Hey look someone who has no idea what the value of those damned pieces of cardboard are
Hey look someone who has no idea what the value of those damned pieces of cardboard are
Wait, are you talking about the early 2D art or the demo from last year?
Trees are pretty dope. Butterflies. I’d put Nutella pretty high on the list of things that make Earth worth saving too.
So Force Unleashed never happened I guess
Holy shit I should have coughed up for a prime
This whole pro-obesity thing is maddening.
But weight gain and a worsened diet are both linked to pre-existing depression and inducing depression.
At least smash finally gets vague patch notes.
You have no idea how happy I am just knowing that Katie replaced Mimi. I have an actual representative that represents me!
Not what I was expecting at all. Adventure? Ew. 6/8 games being good is alright, I guess. Maybe they intend to fix up 2 and adventure?
In my experience, stoners are only judgmental towards people who are judgmental towards them, and their fellow stoners if their bong isn’t clean.
You still aren’t explaining how this isn’t a photograph. It’s light, gathered by sensors, processed into an image. The light happens to be the light surrounding the black hole. Is it because it’s in X-ray? That’s still light...
Thats not an answer. You haven’t actually explained why this image does not qualify as a photograph. You clearly have expertise in this field—or want us to believe you do—and I do not, so if you have some insight behind this I would very much like to hear it.
Explain, very specifically, how it is not a photograph
Do you believe in resurrection?
Art is exclusive. Get the fuck over it.
Have you never played smash? Items are balance breakers by design.
Is “unprecedented humanitarian crisis” the Big Lie of 2019?
Given that there’s 40 games -and- they’re including regional variations, I’d actually lean more towards this having really good emulation and generally being an NES classic tier product. This genuinely seems like it’s gunning to be best on the market.
Fetch me my largest scales!