
you can tell the hand gesture its making when answering is a guy scratching his chin, but the robot lacks the articulation and range needed to actually reach its chin, so its kinda wiggling its fingers in the air

lmao no. In the follow up video, he gets another ford and drops its rear on concrete several times, dumps weight on it, etc and the truck just keeps trucking, even when the entire frame of the car is bent and then gets bent back. A truck should survive a fairly short drop like that, especially when its unloaded. 

Any prius made since 2020 is of at least average acceleration capability, and whenever they’re on battery and with power/sport mode enabled they are significantly more responsive than an econo hybrid has any right to be. I would go so far as to say that they can be legit fun to drive on a moderately winding road. 

Its Prius Derangement Syndrome. I have a prius because a) its practical and b) I have a lead foot and I should not be trusted with particularly fast cars, and I do *not* drive like a typical prius driver. I will regularly have some dingus directly on my ass when I am going healthily over the speed limit, and when they

If you had them change the car when they are manufacturing it I’m pretty sure that makes it not the same car you were lusting over. 

Just a quick search reveals that spaceX is doing fine on space refills. They performed a successful propellant transfer in march and the next milestone is in 2025. Based on this alone, I have to assume you have no idea what you’re talking about, and just as there are people who belong to the cult of elon is always good

I read this on my phone and switched to my computer. For some reason, I can’t sign in on my phone to leave comments but I really, really, R E A L L Y needed to let you know that you’re stupid as shit.

The primes were always underrated cars imo. Not the fastest acceleration from zero but handles well, gets from 40-80 real quick and I’m still saving money on gas. 

This is fucking hideous. It looks unfinished. It looks like part of one of those children activities at parks where they drag a handle through a track. It would look better if someone hit it with a 2x4. 

I’m sure the people living on the street in your community are very appreciative of the amount of effort you put into trying to get people to refer to them in a politically correct manner

I have a neighbor with a challenger and some nissan crossover that had sovcit plates on them for a while. I say had, because a couple of months ago the nissan got its state plates and the challenger has been sitting in his driveway without plates and hasn’t moved. I would have loved to have seen that encounter.

lol. lmao, even.

I’m not worried about when they release it. Miyamoto, late game, bad game, etc etc. I’m bothered by the near complete radio silence from team cherry. Is it really so hard to send out a tweet like, once a year or something? 

Sure is weird how Kotaku refuses to mention that this guy was trying to sell the mod for profit and this wasnt just nintendo being nintendo

Did you also know that articUNO, zapDOS and molTRES

Star Wars: A Star Wars Story: The Mandalorian and Grogu

I just don’t get BG3's gameplay, or TTRPGs in general I guess. Still kind of baffled why it blew up so hard, because I thought that this kind of gameplay became more niche because the market collectively agreed it wasn’t all that great.

Find ways to make it fun then. 

Those games had more to offer than starfield from the outset. I can’t speak to NMS, but CP2077 2.0 didn’t actually add or change as much from the original game as people think, it just focused on fixing and optimizing the code, streamlining mechanics and expanding on what was there. It was bright and colorful, with

Calm down, theyre not the real deal, theyre duplicates being made by a demiurgical people pleasing turtle.