It should be the shortest time period between a new generation pokemon and the definitive version, plus one more year
It should be the shortest time period between a new generation pokemon and the definitive version, plus one more year
(copy pasting my reply from another comment)
I have a 2020 prime and mixed city and freeway driving (I am the speedy prius guy, although I am aware that I’m in a prius so I avoid being too aggressive) will average around 220ish mpg. The absolute worst I’ve ever gotten in this car is 51mpg, and that was a day with a lot of driving and an uncharged battery. And…
The fundamental issue is that this stupid ass event disrupts the flow of life that the strip normally enables. It isn’t hyper localized—the freeways around the strip are fucked because the traffic in the strip is so bad and because they decided to renovate the freeways as well at the same time. All the detours are…
THE 405??????
There has never been a nintendo console that didn’t have backwards compatibility unless there is a genuine hardware issue preventing it, such as the inability to shove a CD drive into a handheld console, or the switch from cartridge to minidisk
Remember when the gameboy was the third pillar?
You certainly managed to draw a lot of conclusions about games that are 100+ hours long without actually playing them, based entirely on very small amounts of information. Clearly, we have found our new authority on the subject.
This is absolutely not the Switch 2. There are recently filed patents demonstrating a device nearly identical to the switch oled, but with notable differences in joycon coupling rail. Additionally (and for some reason this keeps getting ignored) the patent for DS thing makes references to haptic touch controls that…
Its a rock solid 8/10 now.
There has never been a nintendo console that did not have backwards compatibility with its immediate successor unless there was a hardware restriction or in the case of the SNES, it would be prohibitively expensive to develop. The only time it is arbitrarily removed is when they release a low cost or the “final”…
Time for every nintendo fan’s favorite game:
Are they incompetent, or are they planning something?
That is literally the EXACT opposite of the WiiU situation. No one understood that the WiiU was the Wii2, everyone thought it was yet another peripheral because the name wasn’t clear and the marketing focused on the tablet. There is no way that anyone could mistake a Switch 2 for an accessory for the switch.
I think cop cars should be more distinctive, personally. Give them some funky head and tail lights, theres plenty of SUVs out there that look way too much like a cop car especially at a distance with some sort of roof rack that can look like a low profile set of lights.
The only person doing a disservice to gamers is you by pretending that gaming paraphernalia belongs everywhere, at full blast.
If you were Elon Musk and you wanted to kill twitter, what would you do differently?
Every time Elon has been involved in engineering the results have been terrible for the company and result in more time being spent making his ridiculous solution work or wasting an enormous amount of time before abandoning it and using the common sense approach.
What a fucking dork.
Not only is D/Gmax dumb looking but some genius put the pokemon behind the trainer during battle, so the trainer is getting nuked for the next three turns I guess.
Its basically a giant kitchen that makes food for delivery services, with multiple “restaurants” serving different types of food under the same roof. Usually its just an industrial kitchen with food lockers for ubereats or whatever drivers to grab. Each restaurant is typically owned by a third party, and may not…