-Sekiro is apparently much easier
-Sekiro is apparently much easier
Dracula X chronicles, which will include rondo and Sotn OR just one of the two
Pokemon has so much horror potential.
Wow a negative stereotype in a show where literally every character
Car Parking Challenge seems like a sign of the apocalypse
I’d put up with it for a month or two for 500k
The game seems almost kinda mad that you beat it that way.
Those names, and meat-and-tradition based activities, are suspiciously close to that of Ron and Diane Swanson.
Buddy, the developers literally pitched the game by saying old Dante belonged in brokeback mountain. It was a toxic game that people fell for because ooo the colors and easy SSS’s
The hair issue was just a go to “you’re just complaining” line people turned to. There’s a lot wrong with the game as a DMC; the characters are wrong both in how they’re depicted and how they play (Dante is much closer to Nero than he is to Dante), the writing is embarrassing, the combat is simplified and utilizes a bl…
Nero is Spardas Grandson. He was heavily implied in 4 to be Vergils son and confirmed in the run-up to V
I’m so happy reviewers are loving DMCV. I’m beyond excited.
Wait hold on, Mueller is on Trump’s side and the investigation is secretly about rounding up the Satanopedos? That’s a plot twist I didn’t see coming.
First gym often is designed to slap down fires. 4/7 regions start with a rock gym and Unova will put you up against whichever elemental monkey your starter is weak to.
I just want to know who’s responsible for those nipples
Too bad Ubisoft isn’t on the same Redemption Arc that Capcom is on. If DMC delivers then as far as I’m concerned they’re as good now as they’ve ever been, and I wish other studios would make similar return to form movements.
You’re right. There’s an equal likelyhood that he believed that the beautiful dead eyed young woman who spoke broken English really enjoyed giving discount handjobs to strange old penises for 12 hours a day and were there by their own choice.
Why’d they call them disks, anyways? Is it because of that one stupid frisbee version Kaiba had in S1?
Lord’s of Shadow was DmC but for Castlevania, in almost every way. David Cox actually lied directly to me on a Castlevania fan forum back when it was first announced.
Hahahaha no. The game might be pretty and mechanically solid (mostly—but why is Dante based on Nero and why does it include a really bad blue/red magic system ripped straight from Lord’s of Shadow? Where is lock on? WHY IS IT SO SLOW?) but the dialogue is so atrocious that it is it’s own metaphor, and the narrative…