
That lengthy and fairly great post does nothing to change the fact that, while perhaps the individual developers are not lazy, Bethesda as an entity as proven itself to be lazy. Creation is ancient. The mechanics do not work. The graphics are bugged. Above all, it had been proven time and time AND TIME again that Bethe

The 360 outsold the PS3 because of its year long head start and the endless hype train that was Halo 3. I remember a lot of my friends in high school who had a 360 for Halo 3 even though it didn’t launch until, what, year 3? Too lazy to check.

I thought it was a joke until I actually read it.

You couldn’t be more obvious if you tried, Mr. Xinping


“It really struck me playing Let’s Go how Pokémon designs started weird, but they definitely got weirder and worse over the years. Like in the original 151, there are some weird ideas, but most of the time I can identify the pun or cultural story they’re based on. But in the later games... Honedge? That thing is just

Or just get a wired one for 25 bucks?

Or just get a wired one for 25 bucks?

you don’t have to fight trainers”

Or Sony could have had a real opportunity to mock Nintendo for releasing a classic console with half of the games the PSC has. 

A lot of it has to do with the Switch having a completely different hardware architecture. Different vendors and everything. You can’t “just port” Wii/U stuff, including the emulators.

Isn’t it like 15 bucks per year and you get unlimited access to an ever growing library of games?

And Pokemon is highest grossing media franchise in the history of all forms of entertainment, there is zero excuse for them to not hire more animators or pay their current ones more instead of reusing the same models and animations for a half decade.

I guess you didn’t know that gamefreak has been reusing the same pokemon models since gen 6. They intentionally made them at a high poly count so they could just copy-paste them.

Yo pokemon is the highest grossing media franchise in history, why are you treating gamefreak like an amateur indie studio

I’m sorry but those look pretty uninteresting when you have stuff like BOTW on the same console to compare it to.

Fuck outta here, gatekeeper. He’s enjoying his hobby on a budget he can manage. 

Because surely by now a gaming company should be able to anticipate how it’s hardcore audience will react to a watered down mobile game, and surely by now a gaming company should have figured out that gamers are -extemely- easy to please; just confirm the thing is coming and they’ll wait a half decade with pre-order re

And the Smash 4 DLC was exclusively returning characters and 3rd parties, with the exception of a Fire Emblem rep from a game released a year prior.

-Because the core concept of Subspace, ie a 2D Action Platformer featuring all of the mascots, is super rad