
Alucard doesn’t have the ties to Nintendo the way that Simon and (less so) Richter does. Besides, Richter only happened because they gave his moves to Simon and decided to roll with it.

I’m more confused because there remains some obvious omissions, like Ow the Edgehog. Given that Konami and Capcom both have 3 total reps with one echo each, I was expecting Sega to get another echo and square/namco both getting a new rep to balance it out. 

He said all the characters were already chosen during early planning, so no new game reps.

My teacher always had an “oh no sweetie what are you doing” kind of voice when discussing them. 

Hey remember that time when Obama was called king because he used executive orders.

I went through that entire experience in a single night a few months back.

Can we -please- start public executions for people who decide to start murdering people at random in broad daylight? Please? No other change to the law whatsoever, simply: If you pull a gun in a public place and start firing, you know you’re going to get hanged on national TV.

Among other things, RDR did a really good job establishing a super intriguing backstory that this game is now tapping into. 

I mean, she’s definitely smarter than he is. 

Seriously. Billionaires should be spending their money on rockets and diamond encrusted whores, not on something that the government should do.

Only here because of the cross linking, and I’m not even going to touch the horrible emotional damage of incest because it’s not my place to do so. Buuut

I never even attended college and I can tell you he’s fucking lying.


You’re clearly a troll but just fyi it’s less “I want zucks money” and more “hey maybe they should pay their taxes so the roads stop having holes and pay their workers a wage that more closely matches the cost of living”

Take a chill pill Holly

2: YesNo

Smash triangle to RULES OF NATURE

Too Catholic. Everything I’ve ever seen or heard about the man is that he’s a goofball who, before killing a fly, probably apologizes to the Trinity, his wife, his lawyer and the fly.

Stop finding enjoyment in crude stereotypes and open mockery.

Well, depends on definition. The cat found in the grave was likely a wild cat, and to my knowledge there remains only one grave found so far with a skeleton, which raises the question: Were people keeping them as pets or were they a permitted wild animal, and in this case these two were a special pair, perhaps it was