Absolute Unit 01

The average annual family income in China is only about $2100.

That graphics card is not plugged in.

Sheeee -it .... Emily Rose.

Oh, that was so mean.

You start off on the right track but take a wrong turn shortly after "Gym."

I highly suggest that any dude out on the market spends adequate time at the gym. It's not so much about trying to turn yourself into a piece of meat to be drooled over by women as it is confidence and pride in yourself. A grueling work out

http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2014/02/27/pla… Yeah the blog does suck, but EU always gets their next month of games leaked early. Either Google Playstation Plus March 2014 then change the month or cringe "bookmark N4G.com" they always link to the earliest site to leak what's coming next month. Beware of trolls on N4G

This killed me. Thank you for that.

And there is nothing women hate more than a guy that goes to the gym and is a douche.

Not even. lol

I love Final Fantasy VIII. Wish the series would go back to this style. Great game.

I think we are getting Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons instead of Lone Survivor: Director's Cut.

You could always try.

Bwaahahah! Brilliant! :D

i fully agree with you. :)

Geez man, Final Fantasy graphics have historically not aged well at all...I still look at FF7 through rose colored glasses and I imagine how awesome it would be to play that game again...but when I look at those crappy FMV sequences with the horrible blocky characters...I kinda don't want to.

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