Absolute Unit 01

It should be “tun-dee-weh” with an emphasis on the second syllable. It’s a pretty common name in South Africa and that’s how I always hear people pronounce it. I expect folks in the US to butcher it the same way they do with Charlize Theron’s last name. Which should be pronounced “Tron” but with a sort of rolled R,

If you don’t have kids, the chances of divorce are much lower. Self reported levels of happiness are also higher for those who choose not to have kids.

Yuck. 3D CG is not better than hand-drawn 2D art. There are plenty of fantastic CG films, but here things are lost in translation. Zero charm made the jump based on this preview.

Well, to be anti-racist IS to challenge the American way of life.

Some of the people in this thread have probably passed on by now...

Play in VR and use a flight stick.

Holy jeezus the comments are filled with unbelievable daddy issues.

And of course you get people who are economically center or right of center, but socially progressive, etc, etc. I doubt that most people fall neatly into the US political binary, which to those of us outside the US is already more than a little weird.

Haha, yeah the first monitor in our home was a VGA display for an 80286. The first monitor I bought with my own money was a 17" Viewsonic. I thought it was massive!

Haha, yeah the first monitor in our home was a VGA display for an 80286. The first monitor I bought with my own

When I bought my first 27" screen, 1440p didn’t exist :D

When I bought my first 27" screen, 1440p didn’t exist :D

I used 1080p 27" monitors for years before switching to an ultrawide monitor and it just feels a little cramped to me. I guess 1440p 27" is a good middle ground

I used 1080p 27" monitors for years before switching to an ultrawide monitor and it just feels a little cramped to

27" should really be the working minimum these days.

27" should really be the working minimum these days.

Gamevices are awful, just get a stock PS4/XB1 controller. 

Gamevices are awful, just get a stock PS4/XB1 controller. 

Same here, the first is so weirdly paced.

I hate Oshii’s GITS. The manga and SAC are the best IMO. That’s movie’s pacing and complete lack of Shirow’s art style killed it for me. The The music and those godawful wailing choir singers put the last nail in.

The Nazis were bad guys, but you American sure as fuck have never been good guys.

Calling yourself a clown is the most honest piece of writing I have ever seen from you. Bravo.

If you have a man and woman of the same weight and height, on average the man will outperform the woman. Body composition, muscle tone, twitch reflexes, there’s a long list of advantages that remain. So you’d still end up with male dominated sports.

Every performance analysis I’ve seen shows that elite female athletes can’t even match the times posted by non-elite high school boys, much less middle of the pack professional male athletes.

Honestly, and I say this with all the love in my heart, what the fuck is actually wrong with you as a human being?