“eat well-done steaks”
It makes zero sense for a show like Queer eye to do something like this, since a core part of the show is celebrating diversity. Which is to say, I believe Netflix and the show’s producers.
Even a car that’s just a decade old already has far inferior safety performance than modern ones. It’s one of the reason’s I’ve advised people try to buy new entry level vehicles instead of used cars for their kids’ first ride.
I started balding at 20. At 33 I have full MPB. My brother enjoyed mocking my balding when it started, but he forgot that we have the same parents. He’s 4 years younger and is now balder than I am. So is every cousin near my age lol.
Hey, so it turns out the law does work when you follow the rules. Kudos, GMG actually learned a very expensive lesson.
I’m shocked you aren’t supplied with the tools you need by your employer.
They must be artisanal.
I plan to rent until I need to book myself into a frail care facility. Very little about home ownership appeals to me.
The point is rather that he intercepted it before it got to the church, who would probably have blown it on gold and altar boys.
It’s not weird at all if you think about it. The best way to get people to tolerate each other is by having them live alongside each other. These people are afraid of a caricature, a mental straw man. It’s their idea of what the other is that scares them, not the reality.
I feel like there should be a comma after “out and about”, because I read that as her being out and (all) about following cancer treatment.
That’s outrageous. If I were an Uber driver and read this I’d quit and do something else instead!
That would break my rule of Japanese or German only. No English or US cars. Shit, I guess I’m Axis now.
So, like the bible, the koran or dianetics?