Absolute Unit 01

Mad engineer.

I’m imagining an island with lots of carnival rides and candy stores.

I’ve been using “dude” as a universal, gender neutral word for years. No, “dudette” was never a thing.

The Ferengi Fedoration

I’m sorry, but the future is female.

White supremacists - the same people who unironically call themselves grand wizards and dragons. 

Wow, the red ones must be a real nightmare.

More wheels, more better

Isn’t feminism weaponized by definition? I guess they are weaponizing it for a different purpose, but it’s an instrument for change one way or another.

Join an organization with the word “Christian” in the title? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Saving it for posterity

“she is as thoughtful, generous, and exceptional a friend as she is a writer and thinker.”

The janitor.

The Switch has really helped with this. I play at work during lunchtime or when I don’t have anything to do. When we visit the in-laws over weekends I’m playing FE Fates and Skyrim. When I am home and have a rare moment, I’ll play on my gaming PC which sits there idling most of the time.

I've been playing nit and its great. Some frame dips, but nothing severe. It blows my mind that I originally had to build a whole pc with a 6600 gt to play this game. Now it's in the successor to the freaking Gameboy

Hey, discrimination against gingers is real and nasty lol

I meant I was a whiz at black tennis.

Wow, that’s a life-changing prize. Assuming I never get a raise it would take me 30 YEARS to make that much money.