
umm...wouldn’t it be the BEST example of wasteful packaging?

Phone thief after being kicked off scooter:

God bless you.

From Google:

dude/girl/girldude, shut the fuck up. seriously.

because we live in a federalized nation. each state has their own laws, their own governors...

“lose his shit”

take a break, and go cry in the corner, child.

Mac’s aren’t about the hardware, it’s about the OS.

Wrong, Christina.

I like you.

...please rub off on your peers.

This is along the lines of “we’re going to build a wall”

Everyone is missing the point. Many schools (even regular-ass universities) accept students that have no business being in school (post-High school). I don’t mean that as a slight, but there is a group of people who do far better (work/life balance, salary, and overall joy in life) when moving to a trades job out of


Ummm...the networks will do whatever THE FUCK they want.

You have all lost your motherfucking minds. Russian didn’t hack the election. Even it was Russia, all they did was oust some information that swayed public opinion.


Slow doesn’t even matter when it’s ice.

What? No mention of how these glacier’s will be gone, like, next month?