This is another version of the reality show bitch who says “I’m not being a bitch, I’m just being honest.”
This is another version of the reality show bitch who says “I’m not being a bitch, I’m just being honest.”
What we need is Biden to keep pushing his buttons in debates. I really hope that his many lies and bullshit just keeps getting hammered...
The NRA is on it’s ass and going bankrupt for a myriad of others reasons, not Sandy Hook. The lack of action on any sort of gun control consideration because it was not the time to be political, it was time for ‘thoughts and prayers’ is what I’m talking about. Those same heartless and selfish assholes who refused to…
If Sandy Hook didn’t affect the hearts or actions of the country, I’m not so sure this would have the impact you are hoping for.
Someone needs to re-release the Shona Laing song ‘Glad I’m not a Kennedy’ but update the lyrics to ‘Glad I’m not American’.
Are you sure that’s not the cast from Final Destination 7?
Why not just go with Lady Confederate and again claim not to understand the meaning?
Your comment should win the Nobel Prize for Literature. Perfection, would recommend to my friends.
Who is the dumbass judge? Pick any one from the hundreds that Moscow Mitch pushed through over the last 3 years that have no experience.
I’ve scheduled in to respond to you on Friday at 11.57am AEST on the 26th of June. It’s written in red pen and underlined in green so that I know I have an action to do on the internet.
Finally, Cardigan F has created something worth listening to.
TikTok is 15 second videos? So it’s Vine extended remixes? I’m so old and confused and have zero fucking clues what any of this is about.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Author
- Well I’m half-Karen, half-White...
But did you say or do anything? Nope.
Rich, famous, ex-Royal discovers that leaving job, telling family to eff off and moving country can be lonely.
Who gets the Dumbledore treatment and is now retroactively gay?
My advice would be to turn him into soylent green thereby making him useful.
I laughed along with this:
I’m not sure Rose McGowan would appreciate being in the picture chosen to accompany an article of National Horny Day.