
A gay male version would just see the contestants sleep with each other rather than try to win the Bachelor’s affections. It would just be a nightly orgy.

Josh has written two great (and different) series so far and I’m sure he will continue to provide us entertainment coloured by his unique view of the world in the future. He’s the Aussie equivalent of Michaela Coel in my opinion, someone who takes the quirky part of themselves and makes it relatable. 

Awesome. I really like this show and the sibling rivalry/dependency theme that runs through it. Well written and an easy way to waste an hour or two sitting in front of the telly being entertained without too much mental effort. (Which after a long day at work can be really appealing)

Kiehl’s Buttermask for Lips is my favourite nighttime treat. Keeps your lips from drying out and they feel so soft in the morning.

I’ll place $10 on evil variant Loki and another $10 each way on an evil Silvie variant Loki or evil Hiddleston variant Loki. 

So is there a Heimdal variant that Loki can call upon for a lift off this doomed planet?

Is she Lady Loki or The Enchantress? We don’t know for sure yet.

Breyer is what, 82? How about you retire? Enjoy playing golf or something. Write a book. Lecture at a university. Do some charity work.

Ditch the best friend asap. Their actions are not ok in any way, shape or form.

I’m glad she is getting this chance to direct but I really hope to see her back in front of the camera at some stage. In my opinion, she has shown great range in delivery - comedic, action, and has a classic ‘don’t fuck with me’ side-eye at her beck and call.

Just wait until they launch Wautr Festival. It’s going to be amazing!

My Fetch TV Box (I’m Australian) decided to stop working last week so I had to get it replaced. I had over 60 episodes of Jeopardy recorded for viewing later that I have now lost. {Insert sad face}

There are about 8 varying layers of why I will never hear this song, the first being that no song should last that long. 

Totally fine with it. Been together 19 years and neither of us have addiction issues. Happy to see hubby let his hair down to be fair.

Agree. Nice to see a series realise that it should be ‘limited’, thus giving it the fore-knowledge to wrap up the loose ends.

If you want comments to show on articles, someone at AV CLub is going to have lift some of us out of the greys at some stage...

I’ve only seen the first two episodes so far but I am really enjoying it so far. We had The Watchmen look at the fallible superhero, The Boys took it further and added PR spin, now this series continues in the same vein. Refreshing. 

I know it’s trash talking and won’t appeal to everyone, but it’s very refreshing to see someone argue at the same level as the Right wing trolls. He’s treating them the way they treat others and it will probably work better than trying to take the intellectual high ground.

I hope this isn’t foreshadowing of how Gaiman’s Sandman series will unfold.

That’s some sexy fan-fic you just wrote. Got any more?