Pretty daring considering everything article I see about bees lately tells me they are dying off and will soon be gone?
Pretty daring considering everything article I see about bees lately tells me they are dying off and will soon be gone?
Hot take: no one deserves that much money for one show.
You’ll get used to the shittiness pretty quickly. It’s an acquired taste...
I live in Australia and currently our local area Facebook page is full of posts pledging to vote yes on marriage equality. Go Aussies!
You left out clicks and retweets
I’m bringing you out of the greys because your post is a work of art and it needs to be read.
Made up discord and mayhem... just like most of the fights and crisis on any reality to show. Get those clicks and followers!
Agreed. Plus she missed the chance for a well placed #YOLO if you ask me.
I call it the ‘hang loose’ emoji
No talent, just an unquenching thirst.
Stop holding out on me and post Melania’s response. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!
Clay, take a seat on the train to Wokeville next to Caitlyn Jenner. It’s about fucking time.
And it’s not like they didn’t get a big wake up call a few years ago with the Tea Party gaining in factional power.
It’s only going to get worse as Donald gets more and more pro-life judges appointed.
It’s like they took a Mad Libs and threw it in a blender.
And the correct response to this word salad would be...
The answer to both questions is :
“I can confirm that these are no longer Gucci employees...”
I guess their balance sheet is now ‘Fair and Unbalanced’.