
Third base only. Shower first.

But not an Australian?

He annual Christmas family photo would be sponsored by The United Colours of Benneton.

A close friend was quoted as saying he only bought the magazines for the articles.

Because you can’t polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.

He said Choupette’s #2s were his inspiration for Chanel #5. Does that count?

Is that Lindsay Lohan as Ariel?

To paraphrase (poorly):

Well said.

#thefemalebodyisbeatiful*, #allcollagenandfillers, #loveyourenhancedlips, #loveyourcosmeticsurgeon

Thoughts and prayers?

I clicked the link and got a 10 second preview and that’s it. Do I have to wait for it to be released fully or am I just technologically challenged?

You and I could be friends.

I’m looking forward to this movie. It’ll be nice to see some real consequences happen as a result of falling of a roof or out a window.

I am so in agreement with you on this. The intenseness with which they spout their food philosophies is hilarious. But, I have eaten at 7 of the current World’s 50 Best Restaurants and am willing to forgive their nonsense after enjoying the results.

I’m awaiting the sponsored tweet from one of the Kardashians. Or maybe from LiLo.

I bet he tasted greasy.

They’re more fun out of the box evidently.

This. We have a series we watch together, and I have 3 series that I watch alone. When one series ends, we agree on another.

Divorce is your only option.