
Gender profiling — this is the problem here, it goes both ways. I manage a household, earn 80% of the cash, coached kids sports, do all the cooking, shopping, wife has an engineering degree works for 10$/hr part time because she didn't like her career. She does the laundry, cleans sometimes, takes out the trash and

I also have had issues with Crucial - did 4 laptops in the last year with them, 2 of them have been replaced due to sector errors — not I am seeing the same problem in the remaining two. Replacing them with Samsungs will see how the go. BTW I put the crucials in a little 6$ usb holder for 2.5" drives — makes a nice

I also have had issues with Crucial - did 4 laptops in the last year with them, 2 of them have been replaced due to

AMEN!!! I discovered shaving oil after trying every cream, gel, soap, etc. for my razor burn ... I am using Shave Secret (3.28$ at Walmart) ... Israeli double sided blades in a Edwin Jagger safety razor. NEVER go back to cream/soap. Just 3-4 drops, hot water then a quick swipe afterward with an Alum block to tighten

AMEN!!! I discovered shaving oil after trying every cream, gel, soap, etc. for my razor burn ... I am using Shave

Nope you rape someone, you are convicted, take you out back the courthouse, put a bullet in your head. No problem. The issue I have is guilty until proven innocent. My daughter has the right be treated with respect, my wife too. All women "AND" men have that right. The current environment does neither. My son

Loss of job, loss of freedom, loss of community standing, thousands of dollars of legal bills, family strife, shortened life span due to stress, not to mention the effects on the rest of the family... if they are acquitted, no apologies, no reimbursement of costs.. they can't normally even sue the accuser. My brother

No, I don't have proof the other way so I decide to err on the side of caution and protect both identities. That proves I have a brain and think of the consequences for both sides of the case, not just the knee jerk reactions of someone who is invested in a particular outcome.

EXCUSE ME!! Who the hell let's their coffee sit 8 hours.. maybe it's because I don't pay 8$ for some shima shama ding la dong latte .. but just drink normal coffee black. I do grind my own beans, use filtered water, plus a good coffee maker. A coffee cup only has to fit in cup holder and hold 24oz or more, that is

EXCUSE ME!! Who the hell let's their coffee sit 8 hours.. maybe it's because I don't pay 8$ for some shima shama

Yep right — I am sure the state never makes a case due to public pressure, political capital, etc.. nothing the like a double standard here. either both or neither - all should be equal.

If it's never been studied how do you know it's not true? Folks accused of crimes either they didn't commit or were not actual crimes commit suicide all the time - Arron Schwartz comes to mind. You righteous indignation aside, lack of evidence does not show lack of existence. I am of the opinion names of both

As scouts we did this over an open fire using the upside down lid of a dutch oven .... almost like wood fired oven pizza — honestly great.

He's 25 now, but my son's Sprint Phone had employee tracking on it... if he turned it on I could find him... but this solution has bit more devilish possibilities I agree, I would be trolling him all the time.

someone beat me to mountains in the ocean - oh well....

My scouts asked why they needed to know how to orient a map and navigate with a compass — when they could just use GPS - I pointed out that a map works with a bullet hole in it, a GPS unit or phone normally doesn't.

Another reason for Amazon that I forgot — I basically don't buy it if it's now prime eligible ... return costs are a major reason for it to...

amazon due to Prime membership/3.99 overnight shipping, NewEgg for everything else. Have priced many thing and Amazon comes in about same price. There is also a Chrome Extension that will price things on NewEgg & other sites - looking them up on amazon.

Does that mean they can't talk about peanuts or potatoes too?? Redskin Potatoes, Redskin Peanuts.....

Seems to have missed this one:

Slow cooker is just that. Check this link, been making beans this way and freezing them in quart bags for quick use... avoids the toxicity issue too:

You really don't need all this. When I was 25 I carried this kind of stuff (in a cart) but today 25 years later "I travel lite"...

If you are overworked on your side jobs — up your prices — keep upping them until you have a workload you can manage. You might lose a job or 3 but if you have a good rep, do quality work, the jobs you lose will be ones you don't really want anyhow.