Same as others — code around here is Ground Pin UP — that way if something falls down it won't short. Been that way for years .....
Same as others — code around here is Ground Pin UP — that way if something falls down it won't short. Been that way for years .....
He will probably defer as much to the Native Americans who don't consider it a slur. How do you pick the winner?
AMEN to that — who would want to carry all this stuff around. I am service tech for IBM iSeries, Unix and Windows — along with PC's. I carry a 4gb Hirens bootable USB, plus couple of 8gb & a 64gb thumb drive(all my patches and software needs), plus a pen/pencil, Kershaw folder and a 4 in one screwdriver also. All fits…
Never had a problem peeling a mango - since it's the worlds most eaten fruit, it doesn't seem to be a problem to most folks. I just slice the cheeks off, slice those into 1/2" slice, cut fruit out of slice w/a paring knife and eat... not hard at all. Eat one almost every morning for breakfast.
amen - correct, was just thinking the same thing.
Not familiar with that BBS, I frequented ExecPC in Madison — I wrote a whole bunch of instructions and batch files to use Wildcat as a file system for RBBS & RYBBS . I addition I was using PC Pursuit to dial out around the country and optimize transfers with Zmodem/QMODEM (hence Jim Forseberg & John Friel) combo.…
You know why I love users like you? — they ensure guys like me make a good living... you just proved it.
Scan your machine with one of the freeware tools — it doesn't always show itself... I would be willing to bet you are infected and just don't know. Even those tools won't catch everything. Viruses aren't the big issue - it's malware & tracking stuff you have to watch out for.
One thing you can't do with canned or bottled — take your keg, dig a whole in the ground, line it with black trash bag (39gal type). Put in keg level with the ground, fill bag around the keg with ice & 5lbs rock salt. Cover it all up so only tapper is sticking out. Attach hose/valve to a firmly planted stick. It will…
you discard the boiled onions then use fresh ones to cook in the bacon grease.
I too built one before I bought a small smoker. If you have to buy everything new — you can buy a small electric bullet smoker for about the same price.
stupid article by consumer reports, stupid bump article by lifehacker. They could very easily know the rules, have the cert and be totally vulnerable. Target was PCI Certified, So were all the others in the big data breaches. They just didn't follow the rules. Wasted time, wasted paper. PCI is just an industry…
If you need the time saved by not opening a cabinet door, you have a lot bigger problems than cabinet doors in your kitchen...
You will know you are old when some boys you worked with at 7 or 8, come up to you in the grocery store and introduce you to their wife and kids.... sorta makes you happy in a way too that they remembered you enough to say hi.
Spent 17 years as a scout leader (both my boy's are eagle scouts) ... I always told them and the other scouts, this is how I approach a career choice:
Don't know if anyone will see this, sure I will get abused for it, but what I took away from all this (besides the obvious that a lot men don't treat women right - key in Nicholas Cage beating Johnny 26 or whatever from ConAir) .. is that women who get married have better socio-economic status and experience less bad…
Not picking on you, or others, but this was a good spot to respond. With my bread machine, some organic bread flour and nothing but a little salt, yeast and local organic honey, I can make up a loaf of white bread in less 10 minutes... do it almost every morning, my wife takes it out when she comes home for lunch ....…
Take if from someone who made a few of those events in the 70's — you are too jaded by all the totally unrealistic artwork today, pics, porn, etc... natural women don't seem to get your attention. But let me offer one bit of advice, take the chance to experience and have fun (you can't tell a black cat from a gray …
They don't really talk about the best one. Need to see something like a tag, serial number, MS Lic Key sticker. Desk / room is dark, inconvenient location? Shoot a pic and you can blow it up see/read it w/o problem. I use that one all the time. Use EverNote to catalog picks of serial numbers/lic keys, etc... pics of…
Yep, basic bread is flour, yeast, salt and water... pasta is just flour, eggs, salt, water... you can also use olive oil(optional to some but not me).