
I don’t think the issue is so much what he said, but rather that he gained so much publicity in doing so. A secretive cult like Christianity hates the spotlight and that’s why most of us have never heard of it.

Yep, we are supposed not judge all muslims by the few that committed atrocities, but christians apparently don’t get the same standard.

A dude who had more than one red flag was elected mayor.

Nelson’s son, Patrick, is currently running for congress in the state’s 21st Congressional District.

Maybe ya’all should remember prince “1999" is the song and it’s “party like it’s 1999" ... Personally I like “Little Red Corvette” a lot more. Also I am sure this isn’t what is sounds like when doves cry.

Because in addition to the instant controversy in the locker room, you would have a quarterback controversy too of him over lynch. In fact the biggest detriment to getting a job right now for Kapernick is the idiot social controversy you all are running. No coach/team in it’s right mind wants that in their locker room

It’s useless trying to win over moderates because they just want to remain, well, moderate.

Like I said previously men are roughly 15% taller than women on average. You said it’s biological, but suppose the reasoning is that men are larger because they’re protectors and were built to fight stuff. That’s all on you.

I find that most of the candidates who meet the voting interests of minorities here in Canada align with my (liberal-progressive) voting interests as well, so the answer to your question of “why” is “because it’s in my interest too.”

Next time you’re walking down the street take a good look at sizes of people. Some guys are really tiny, and some women are pretty large. In my office there are at least three women over 6 feet tall.

My guess - that is why is was cut eh? Didn’t look right/feel right, seemed to be good paper but sucked when shot — that is the creative process.

Like women never do anything powerful or have helped anyone during or after the aftermath of this hurricane.

Better version of the pic:

It can be even simpler than that: vote. Not just once every two to four years, but regularly for local elections too. Minorities by definition don’t have the numbers to vote out the racist sheriffs and DAs and congressmen and senators by themselves. It’s a bare-minimum start.

I’ll end this by saying that your attitude is patently ridiculous. What you call “mob rule” is, in fact, consensus. I’ll bet you’re an antivaxxer or some such nonsense.

In the 1980's the Goddard Institute for Space Studies began tracking the mean global surface temperature. Long story short, it’s rising.

It’s not like this is new for Houston.. the record rain fall for a single day happened in 1972 (when they were predicting the next ice age) in Alvin - south of Houston. This is highest storm rain fall for the US today, but they’ve only been keeping records for 150 years or so.. Floods — well when you live in swamp

Now playing

This is parody using the Don Henley song Dirty Laundry !!! They didn’t do videos back them so much - History just repeats itself!!

Ya’all do know Hippo’s kill more people in Africa than any other animal, right?

I am sure this will never make it out of the greys — but here goes. What has your hate got you. You cause got Trump (the asshole) elected. Your cause has solidified the previously disjointed opposition, emboldened it because of the very violence and hate you espouse. Your internet faux-angst to get clicks on your