lol I grew up in “obscure” Nova Scotia, these problems of body image and disordered eating exist there too because we’re also normal human beings and have access to television and media.
lol I grew up in “obscure” Nova Scotia, these problems of body image and disordered eating exist there too because we’re also normal human beings and have access to television and media.
I am so amped to see this. I think the trailer alone had me thinking “hmmmm maybe Blake Lively really can act...”.
I really liked it, and it’s 100% down to Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively. I was super impressed by some of the scenes with Blake Lively that I can’t talk about because of spoilers.
On Saturday, I went to see Neko Case. There were a larger number of Children than one normally sees at a bar show. One of these was a girl of about eleven or twelve. Case’s opening act was Thao Nguyen (Thao of The Get Down Stay Down). She is a very awesome rocker who spits, snarls and howls while accompanying…
Just subscribed to Food Psych and I can already tell this was needed in my life. Thank you again! :D (Also this whole thread is so incredibly important and supportive and I’m trying real hard not to tear up at my desk)
Ruby from Great British Bake Off is also a great one to follow - she talks a lot about eating disorders, especially orthorexia.
I’m going to give you the advice I gave my friend who is recovering from an eating disorder “you only have to be attractive to the person you want to be attractive to. And it they don’t find you attractive, they aren’t worth you, so find someone else.” This idea that you have to fit into a narrow box in order to be…
Also, as I’ve fairly recently discovered, there are PLENTY of men who like women with a little more meat on their bones. I’m super conscious of my tummy fat but my fiancé loves playing with it. I guess that’s why they call them love handles.
And not just dating. I stopped myself from doing SO MANY THINGS until I was thin (worthy) enough. Looking back, I fucked myself over so many times and would be much farther along in life had I just experienced and lived instead of feeling too fat for everything. And this shit started at like 10.
Oh Honey. I only had my first kiss three years ago. When I was 29! AND it was a tinder date. I feel your pain.
I deal with some similar things, although I am straight sized. I have never really liked my body, literally since I was 5 and I thought I shouldn’t wear a bikini because I had too much tummy. Which is a crazy thought for a 5 year old but hey, why not? I sometimes feel like I’m waiting to begin relationships because I…
Honey, I hear you. I basically assumed I was going to be a spinster with my bff because I’m a size 22 at 5'6". Then a guy flirted with me in an art gallery and five years later we’re married.
What utterly *terrible* advice your friend offered!!! 😧☹️🤯
Hey, other person on the internet! My specs look almost EXACTLY like yours--5'5, size 16. I’d been putting off dating until I was at a more “acceptable” weight. I finally decided it was bullshit, because my personality wasn’t going to get any thinner, and honestly, it was the best decision I’ve made lately. With one…
I started dating someone a couple months ago that I’ve known for over a decade. He let me know that he was into me when I thought I was heavy, thinks I’m beautiful no matter what my dress size is and that my scale is full of bullshit. Although I am still proud of the fact that I lost some weight, there are definitely…
I’m right there with you. I’m trying to get out of that mentality (losing weight =/= more desirable) and actually start dating. I’ve been going to the gym, but any time I miss a day I think about the lack of progress that’s being made to reach “goals” but really I should be focusing on the days I do make an effort to…
I’m about your age and in the SAME boat: never let myself have a dating/romantic relationship with anyone because I was insecure about my body and, honestly, too devoted to my eating disorder (bulimia would be my boyfriend instead). Didn’t matter what I weighed or how I looked, really: I told myself it wasn’t good…
I’ve spent the better part of my life dealing with eating disorders and I relate to sooo much of Jameela Jamil’s experience. Wish I could have heard her message when I was a kid/teen — I’ve spent most of my life in treatment and therapy to untwist my thinking and I’m still working at it. One thing I really appreciate…
I’m more interested in a reality show about people like me: single, broke, 30 somethings who spend their whole weekend lamenting that they have no friends with which to do anything with while simultaneously avoiding the people who call/text to ask if they want to do something.
In the same boat. Very single but want to be a mom. I’m 29 and will probably find someone to knock me up and gtfo.