Natalie, Emily, Martie. N-Em-Ma.
Natalie, Emily, Martie. N-Em-Ma.
Today is pay day, which means it’s bill-paying day. So I’m currently going through my twice-a-month existential despair when I look at how much I still owe on my student loans.
I’m a huge grammar nerd but this is unnecessary. In this case it’s more important to listen to what he has in his heart than to make classist comments about how he got his message across. It’s a screenshot of the Notes app, posted to Instagram. He’s not submitting a statement to Congress.
Fergie wants to go back to being Stacy Ann Ferguson, since names, like marriages, don’t always last forever.
I cannot believe there have been this many stories published about what boils down to two people arguing over gummy vitamins.
Imagine the horror when they’re forced to assemble cheap furniture with only pictographic instructions and a hex key.
For the record, I had to work very hard in my couch-to-5K program to get down to a 12-minute mile.
*beside the point
I. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck. It’s an internet comment section not a fucking college essay; like I don’t know the fucking difference in each spelling.
I dont give a shit about typos I make on my phone.
Apologies are nice, but when are going to get the whiny, self-indulgent blog or instagram post from one of these kids complaining that they deserved to be admitted and their parents don’t deserve to go to jail and anyway what about affirmative action? It has to be coming, right?
Gina Rodriquez is not an enemy of black people. We have no shortage of real enemies. She’s an actress, not a politician, not a policy maker, not an activist. She makes no claim to be an expert in social science or history or anything. Yet, she gets called out a lot. like A LOT! We have problems. None of those…
“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.”
Two things: I absolutely believe that Pop-Tarts could last five years and not be moldy (I have no scientific data to back this up; it’s just my ignorant opinion) and women are ok to drink wine when pregnant, especially when they are that far along.
What’s interesting is that this teaser kind of brings up one of the structural challenges with this show, which is that Titus’s character is uniformly entertaining, and the other characters (and their storylines) are an extremely mixed bag to the point where I would turn off the show in boredom. If it really was the…
I take it you never watched Living Single.. (Hint: Friends was a whitewashed version of this show.)
Former Hill staffer here...
She’s rhyming MeDUSA with DUCA and SUPA in that scheme, using ‘head’ to connect them.
What a rude fucking asshole! Fuck that noise!!! Wish I had something more constructive to say but I'm too second-hand pissed!
A friend of mine’s husband had bariatric surgery a couple of years ago. He has lost a lot of weight, but she says he farts like a motherfucker all the damn time. She’s just about fixin’ to call a lawyer.