
smoothie bowls are all the rage on instagram cuz you there’s more surface area on top to decorate.

I don’t know why everyone is pretending we live in a world where it isn’t painfully obvious what society thinks women should look like.

There is this in between discomfort as a woman though where you’re thin and pretty enough to be sexualised but not enough that you don’t come in for raft of misogynistic abuse.

“we’re expected to believe that she’s the kind of person society deems irretrievably unattractive”

Wait, technically, isn’t it better than you thought?

Before you thought it was the studio exhibiting outrageous sexism and gender inequality by paying a male star 1500 times what his female co-star received for reshoots.

When in reality, it was actually just Mark Wahlberg being a devious, opportunistic, underhanded

Man this hits so close to home. Life isn’t bad as a single person, but I’m in my early thirties and I’ve never had a long-term relationship. I have tried to fix everything that people have told me is wrong with me. I have dated and dated and dated. I’ve put myself out there to the point I’ve had to rebuild my

Over a year after my miscarriage, I was at a 2 year-olds b-day party. The second half of the party was to be spent at a children’s museum that doesn’t allow non-parents to enter (for understandable safety reasons). I didn’t know that, and I mentioned to my friend “oh, are we going to the museum too?” and her mom said

Stop carrying your negative emotions in your uterus and you may have an easier time. Once you push them out you will be able to access your power better. I keep all of my negative emotions in my anus, so I can get rid of them daily.

I exclusively use spotify and NPR these days. I accidentally switched over to real radio and I was like a vampire exposed to the sun.

“Tabby Gevinson” ... (unless this is a hilarious joke on your part, in which case, LOL and bravo.)

You forgot:

it is honestly one of the great injustices of the 21st century. on par with taylor swift being more famous than carly rae jepsen.

This should be the informed consent paragraph artists have to read and initial before signing a contract:

Extremely Jeff Bridges face

There was a recent late night interview where he said the pain of losing her would always be with him, but he was becoming functional or proficient at being a living person and a single father. I want to say that was on Seth Myers? I just saw a clip, and tears.

After 10 years, I finished paying off my student loans today! *High fives all around*

I just want to say a hearty f u to Bill Maher for providing a platform for Milo. I don’t watch his show as I think he’s vile, but I didn’t think he would bring Milo on and proceed to actually agree with his transphobia:

He’s a material threat.

It’s very easy for me not to have sex with anyone

Some thoughts: