
No they did not refer to someone as a babadook. I can't even.. hahahahahahaha

I would like her to stick around only to show the differences between the up and coming country artists and the old school ones but yeah she's pretty boring. Also MADDIE IS THE LIVING WORST

What really reeeeeeeeally fucking pisses me off about this shit is that it esclated to this level of abuse because she called them out on their racist ass trolling on twitter. Since it became a headline and shed a negative light on very hateful people, some asshole somewhere decided to take it up a notch.


I am from NJ and visit NY often. My cousin drove us up to Williamsburg for some smorgasburg thing. It was whack but more importantly Williamsburg was so strange. I am fairly certain I’ve been there before when I was younger (saw a Childish Gambino concert) but I guess walking around during the day allowed me to have a

:-D it is pretty shitty I dont know why I said that it was dope!

I feel you. I am probably just going to stsrt listening to stuff on youtube anyway and then buy it. I won't feel bad if I buy it and I also won't buy it or listen again if I don't like it so win win lol

Even though you had to add in a bit of snark there, thank you for that suggestion (I mean that sincerely) I have had streaming apps before and found that I don’t like it 1. Because I usually have to use data unless I am at home 2. I have other monthly subscriptions and ten bucks isn’t a fuck ton of money but I don’t

Homie I am hardly outraged. I am eating sun chips and commenting to strangers on the internet about music. :-D There are waaaaaaay bigger things to be mad about in my life man...I hope your week is slamming even though you're wrong and I'm right lol :-)

You are the second person to say this! I don’t care if fifteen plus years ago I had to take a leap of faith. I am talking about TODAY. I have bought PLENTY of albums in my lifetime. After a while you realize that sometimes only the singles are good, the rest is not. It is nice to have the damn option to preview an


Is the album on youtube an official release or just people posting the whole thing there? If it was an official release on youtube I’m surprised I didn’t see anything about it anywhere on the internet and also mad I didn’t know about it because I wouldve just listened to it there.

When I was in college I would’ve thought this shit was so cool. I’m pushing thirty now and I do not have time for long drawn out hipster art nonsense. When I saw this album was seventeen tracks long and not one song was available for individual sale (yet, I suppose) and you can’t see who is featured on what song it

Someone told me it was twenty one two!

I hope that this young woman realizes that everything she is doing is fucking incredible gold, silver, bronze- whatever

Was not crazy about this song but I really like it now and I think Tinashe is gonna save the game

Wouldve snatched that shit out of that old lady's hands so fast...

I really love Miguel! "Wildheart" was so weird and good!!! Excited to hear this new track

My parents are Jamaican and so is the majority of my family (myself, sibs and cousins are all first generation in the US) and I instantly liked the song the first time I heard it. I knew it was patois and I liked that she was singing it that way! When everyone started saying they didn’t understand it I thought they

When I saw this it made my damn day. Hearing her try to explain why she “brought it up” in the first place was making me so angry. I don’t know how she held it together having to hammer it into that man’s brain her point. “But she brought it up but she brought it up” yeah you idiot she was using it as an example of