
I clicked the line for the Prince thing because it said they are battling over 3 mil! I was like uhhhhh that cannot be right. The link says they are battling over 300 mil

My sister and I were really into the triology. We had it on DVD and watched the shit out of it...I'm sad to hear this film ain't that great!

I think it was Chris Rock at the Oscars saying that the reason people dont care about what men are wearing is because they are all wearing the same damn thing. The only obvious variation is the tie. If youre into mens clothing Im sure you could find subtle differences between all the suits.

I did not know they make you listen to the heartbeat!


I was partly serious but I appreciate your taking the time to answer me. Good point on the babies having long hospital stays. I do agree that most sensible people would hesitate before getting pregnant again but not because theyre afraid of overcrowding but afraid of having to take care of that many children. I cant

Even so, how the hell was she supposed to know she was going to have twins every time?

Amen! As if she could predict she would have twins three times smh!

My niece (12) has pajama pants with casette tapes on them and I asked her if she knew what they were. She said “yeah mixtapes you put your mixtape on it and it’s fire!” When i pressed her she said “i dont know, CDs??!”. I asked my nephew (9) and he said "they are those old things."

Sorry but “bitch” is just common vernacular in rap. It sucks, sure, but I think there few rappers who don’t use it to describe a woman. It’s rarely ever “bitch” like “my ex is a bitch” too. It’s more like “bad bitch” or describing having access to lots of women, “bitches” or literally just be like “I made that woman

I love breakup boxes. The ones I get always have stuff like pizza or cheesy bread in them.

Amazing! Hahahaha

Hey Jez

I will probably never get married but if I do I’d like an alexandrite gemstone. They’re so cool! I like Ciara - I think she’s pretty and she is a great dancer but damn I feel like she neeeeds to let everyone know what she’s doing. Of course she had to let everyone know she had sex. Why is it anyone's business? No one

My niece is 12 and she knows one Becky G song. I will ask her about this controversy. She will ignore me and facetime her friends until she needs someone to buy her candy or ice cream.


I am black and was just thinking today how every interaction I have had with cops (all white) has been normal and uneventful for lack of a better word. I have only received two tickets out of 5 or 6 traffic stops in the 11 years I have been driving and the rest were warnings. Also never received any points. I grew up

I tried ketchup for the first time about five years ago when I was 24. My friends forced me to dip a fry in it and it was disgusting just like I knew it would be. I have always been a suuuuuuuuper picky eater and rewlly weird about condiments and I make judgements based on sight alone so I could see this as being

I don’t buy the whole ‘commentary on fame’ bullshit. She used to leave clues in her album art for people to figure out who the subjects of her songs are. I don’t think the whole “dating lots of boys” thing is bad at all if anything she seems to date like any other young woman out there...

He was engaged to Alanis Morisette too, remember that??