
What a re-fleshing article.

That warms my empty, shriveled heart.

people should think twice before posting anything online, its common sense.

Didn’t find a way with P.T.

Death Clocks are 18th-19th Century clocks that were made using a gilding method called Ormolu. They got their nickname “death clocks” because the process of Ormolu eventually killed the maker (unbeknownst to the maker of course). They generally didn’t live past 40. You can read about them here.

Is that a “Death Clock” behind him in that second photo?

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Track: Ol ‘55 | Artist: Tom Waits | Album: Closing Time 

You’re right, they weren’t all $10-20. One game looked exceptionally good and i said Good LAWD, that’s a great looking game! Surely that game must be 59.99 like that new zelda game that came out. My buddy looked at me and he said, “I’m gonna need about tree fiddy.” And that’s when I realized...

Hmmmm... no. No resentment.. no anxiousness. I like my 500 dollars. I’ll be alright. I have plenty of other amazing games on my pc that still need to be played. Most of which I picked up on a steam sale for $10-20.

Very possibly. Though based on what little has been discussed about The Last Guardian’s development, it appears the massive delay was the result of being announced far too soon and (more importantly) being too ambitious for the PlayStation 3 to handle.

My expectation is that The Last Guardian will be a good - even great - game buried under a mountain of middling reviews, due the unrealistic (and massively nostalgia-feuled) hype that surrounds it.

Meh. This semi-new-console concept is making me yawn and want to go back to PC gaming full-time.

Ah good. Was worried I would get a lot of comments not seeing what I did there.

Being forced to constantly play a gender you don’t want to in video games. I can’t imagine what that is like.