
Overwatch - whoever wants to join - Lukifer#1259

I still find it funny, the only people that actually use the word ‘triggered’ are the same people who bitch about it on the internet. Maybe just don’t be an ass to begin with, maybe don’t be racist, sexist, fedora-neck-beard garbage. You people complain more than anyone else. Source; the entire internet/toxic gaming

Good list!

I just recently made my first gaming build, got it fired up and running on the first try, killed the random BSOD windows throws in from memory paging issues, and presto! perfection! I will say that Windows 10 isn’t bad at all once you dial it in to your liking. I have a bit of an annoyance with defender, and have yet

I ascended back to PC for that alone lol

Yeah, I recently ascended myself, can’t beat buying games and all their DLC for under $20 on the regular. I’ll get the switch and botw when it hits the inevitable Nintendo bargain point.

It’s the 15 Disk Extended set

It’s the 15 Disk Extended set

Solid article. It’s almost like you wrote it with my brain. @_@

I call the cursed rotting greatwood ‘Mushroom Nutsack’

Is this only for the INTL version?? I’ve been invaded a few times, and not only that, I’ve had people voluntarily summon themselves to my game to dispatch invaders. I cant remember what the hud stated when this happened, but the dude appeared like an invader, except they were helping me.

Be thief, take out Gunder on 3rd go. What you lack in armor you make up for in rolling and stabby stabbin.

Def. Agree, Dark Souls 2 was dope, I hated it at first, but that’s just because I was getting murked all damn day, so I really don’t understand the hate for it being a ‘Bad Game’ it was dark souls for sure.