That Girl!

I wouldn’t even give her that one, I mean it’s Sarah Palin... she basically punked herself

That is the same as telling Labron to “shut up and dribble”.  Same shit different wypipo.

that’s like “money in suitcase in a movie” money

Why should anyone have to be there? How is golf even exercise? Just take a damn walk. I reported the course to the State of New York, too.

Ha ha ha! I saw this one polo-shirt-wearing snap-back-hat jerk stretching out with his WTF-iron and I said to myself, “Self, what would a busy-body white lady do in this instance?” and I pulled out the old cell phone and called the po po

I think you answered your own question. If you’re raised a Becky, it’s Beckydom. If you catch it, it’s Beckyitis, which can be temporarily cured with a sharp laying on of hands, a-pow-pow.

Thanks for defending my honor, but I actually loved Damon’s take (and edited this piece). VSB, while part of The Root, speaks in its own voice, as I at The Glow Up speak in mine, and as a news writer, Anne writes in hers. Interestingly enough, I think that’s what we’re encouraging people to do: to create space for

You answered your own question yourself when you quoted “Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People”. You don’t understand how misogyny works in the black community.

MARTHA: “I made this adorable blue paisley muzzle for you, and it comes with a zipper so you can smoke, but you have to zip it back up when you’re done. Simply shutting the fuck up: It’s a good thing.”

Without even touching his obvious and long-standing (literal record) or misogyny, Snoop messed up for a few reasons:

Airing dirty laundry came in the form of Bitches Ain’t Shit.

Who did Oprah rape?

I have my issues with Oprah but I’m sorry who did she drug, hold hostage, sexually assault or was accused of sexually assaulting? False equivalency , do better.

There was a great discussion to be had in the wake of the Lisa Leslie interview that was all shot to hell by Snoop’s horrible comments.

I guess people forgot Snoop made a song called, Bitches Ain’t Shit, is friends with Don “Magic” Juan and beat a murder case. Ya’ll do know he ain’t a nice guy right?

*puts pierogi casserole down and stalks off in a huff* 

Some white people loved Livin’ Single and had crushed on Kim Fields since back in the Mrs. Butterworth days. (We’re the same age, don’t make it weird.)

White person here. Barely paid attention to Friends. Always loved Living Single.  I particularly liked the first season when they were living in that big old house.  That said, Schwimmer’s mea culpa was well stated. He’s a decent guy who was trying to say the right thing and it got taken out of context.  

Hey now. I’m white and I loved watching Living Single reruns on FOX after school. Same with Friends, The Simpsons, Fresh Prince, Seinfeld, etc - I never saw them when they first aired.