That Girl!

Shit, half of us weren’t convinced that ho spoke English in the first place.

This manager, when presented with live evidence of his staff’s non-adherence to the rules for a white family and despite decades of information on discrimination of Black people in restaurants, stood his ground?! Why?!

I may be slightly out of touch, but just how is a 9yr old child supposed to dress? Top hat & tails?

Shit, my card has "We're hiring a VP of diversity" on it.

[x] This should never have happened 
[x] manager on indefinite leave.
[x] We “sincerely” apologize
[x] in no way intended to be discriminatory

Can you believe how little it fucking takes to enrage white people, compared to how much shit white people expect black people to accept graciously?

You sure you don’t mean dilettante?

Her potato face is starting to form. She’ll be cycled out soon.

Is this a still from White Chicks?

laughing at “socialite”

I am all for passing a bill called “The Karen Act” which punishes people who do this

The reason uneducated lower-income white men support Trump is because he tells them what they want to believe about themselves.

I think in those cases, they see it as “if I was president, that’s how I would be. Push people around, make them be nice to me, and if they make me mad I’d fire them.”  

The thing is, “draft dodging” is a toxic concept. No one should be forced to fight a war they don’t believe in, and no one should be condemned for the natural desire to avoid such a fate.

I think you nailed this right on the head. All through the article, he keeps pointing out what we already know except for one thing. After all, why would white people elect someone who is so far outside of what they claim to be/stand for? He’s not conservative in any real way. Yet conservatives stand behind him. He’s

The lock-down is?

If lockdowns and face masks were actually anything like slavery, these dipshits wouldn’t be standing around a courthouse and waving signs. Karen Patrols would have picked them up almost immediately and dragged them home, where they’d be beaten, mutilated, or even killed. Slaves suffered severe consequences for the

She’s only sorry she got called out.

“As I had no sign of my own, it was handed to me by another protester”

THE MASKS HELP KEEP PEOPLE FROM GETTING SICK. The only analogy is probably vaccines which, I know, idiots are weird about those too. Maybe they think face masks cause autism, too.