That Girl!

She isn’t “supposed to”, so much as she’s the only person who reasonably can. Because in a marriage, you have to support and maintain each other; it has to come from within the marriage.

Just another reason that I believe people are foolish for making celebrities role models. They are flawed people, same as everyone else, they just have a lot more exposure. I prefer to look to people that are well educated on the matter, and have a vested interest in what they are talking about all the time, rather

*Insert Tyra Banks “We were rooting for you!” gif*

At this point these movies are just like the countless Dolemite movies or Penitentiary movies or straight to video sequels. They don’t need to be good. They just need to exist. They need to be released so a certain type of non-reading, unthinking, and overly self-assured person will have a movie they can discuss with

At “ASHTRAY BITCH” I literally screamed at the tv OH HELL NAW!!! I would have shot that fool in his kneecap so early on.  Movie would have been short af!!! lol

Honestly, I don’t want to get into conspiracy theories, but it’s hard not to when troll trash keeps getting in the black.

I’m all in for a Beast Mode 2020 presidential bid. The debates would be the best television ever broadcast. 

And that’s WITHOUT taxes.

Troll, keep your damned mouth shut, you of the unwashed legs and unseasoned chicken.

His disdain for interviews makes these pearls of wisdom all the more appreciated when he spreads them around.

You are far nicer then I would be. He’s a coon hunter and he’s a mighty fine one at that. Were Cosby not currently locked up, i’m sure Trump would be glad to have a lunch date with him.

Unfortunately, Kavanagaugh is likely to be confirmed. There is nothing as potent as privileged white male tears to other white men. They all see a little bit of Brett in themselves. 

The force is strong with this one however, my young padowan....

This is something else. The cemetery is around the corner from our house. HELP!

You have to commit fraud on a scale large enough to crash the entire economy to avoid prosecution.  She went too small.  

1) Just tip a base 15 and don’t go back. If you aren’t 110% sure your bad service was entirely due to the wait staff and not the kitchen or being understaffed, still tip 20. Then don’t go back. You won’t get that immediate self satisfaction but the entire business will feel it more.

Kinja’s acting up again; I’m having trouble finding any lies in this post...

Probably, but in this case, who cares? Fuck this racist bitch!

Yeah since she went there with the phone call I’m going there with a distinguishing feature as well. Sorry but she attempted to use her whiteness as a weapon against a person of color. Too bad, I am out of patience with these Becky’s & Chad’s.