That Girl!

My forthcoming reply to this article is headlined:

It’s also to close to Collard, and I’ll be damned if they take that too.

Mother fucker you just compared a millionaire losing a goddamn tv show to the ritualistic murder of black people. Are you fucking kidding me? Go to hell.

“Guess lynching ain’t just for whites anymore eh?”

The post was pretty much a verbal fart.

....wait. WAIT? Should I take this seriously? Cause this post is waaaay to dumb to be true.

I can’t even fathom what it’s like to live life without any shame whatsoever. I get a typo wrong in an email at work and I’m kicking myself all the way home. This dude and the other dude in the white house just spout off easily disprovable historical facts and instead of being like ‘my bad’ they’re like ‘easily

I am a LeBron fan. Love his work in his community and his play. But this seems like a stretch, I didn’t see him even acknowledge the guy. EDIT: ok yep saw a different angle and yea he knew the guy was there. Good. Don’t give his ass shit but a hard time.

Thank you, Yesha!

She’s DOCTOR Schulte, an environmental expert and advocate (for keeping environments free of black people). I still call her Charcoal Nazi.


I’m not saying those three queens in training need to invent a giant laser that erases whiteness and white privilege, but they should.

Okay, but like...clearly it pisses off a large enough group of people and they’ve mentioned it enough times that you recognize that they’re telling you, and you specifically, not to do it anymore.

Cause it’s a non-sequitur. It’s like, say we’re hanging out somewhere, lets says it’s a Coldplay Concert, and the black guy next to you keeps talking about the new Migos while you’re trying to enjoy your toneless British droning. That shit would upset you, as well it should. 

This is foolishness. The big joker is the one upon which someone has scribbled “Big” in ink that didn’t adhere well, so the word is only half legible.

Here’s the catch: he was only on the job two months. So I bet you he was probably still on probation.

Booze in your veggie green smoothies?! How’s the weather in the year 3000?

They deserve more than a modicum in my opinion. Also, the same type of shitbag that will mock low paid workers are always the ones complaining about EBT cards and so-called Obama phones.

Am I the only one who also wanted more clarity on what Uncle Quincy was doing while he was witnessing all these hookups that he gossiped about in the crew?

Glad to see a Bill Duke reference. Jesus, that death stare.