
I need new content to get me through my workday, damnit! This is the same story from Wednesday, but with more skateboarding. 

I can’t speak for the new beta, but I’ve been a fan of Battlefield games since the second game. These games don’t play like typical COD type shooters, and lone-wolf strategies aren’t very enjoyable. There are three types of Battlefield players; Team players who play for the objective and coordinate via voice comms

I used to own a game shop and couldn’t keep this game on the shelves, and that was when it was retailing for $170. Great game and ridiculous price. 

I used to own a game shop and couldn’t keep this game on the shelves, and that was when it was retailing for $170.

Welp... I used to own a small retail business and I was forced to rely on FB to promote my shop. It’s nearly impossible to not be on FB as a small business, and that right there is the problem. I had to dedicate an hour or two a day to my FB engagement and it was a constant point of stress. I ultimately had to close

I was an IT contract worker for John Deere, here in Illinois. Deere is sketchy as hell and you won’t find an employee under 60 who isn’t pissed. Almost every single employee is a “contractor” so the company can avoid 401k, decent/affordable healthcare and labor laws. They work their “contractors” to the bone and then

I’m not saying all people that drive huge pickup trucks are complete scumbags, I’m just saying that all scumbags seem to drive huge pickups. 

I have 4 children and there’s no way in hell $11k+ (flights/2 nights in my personal windowless hell) is worth it. So this is either for super dorks with a disposable income, wealthy families or Make-a-Wish kids. It is NOT for working families and it frankly sounds fucking insufferable, but I don’t have to go or get

I made the mistake of watching the trailer for this with my 7 year old son. He asks me every week if it’s out yet. “Blood & Poop” would be a sick band name. 

I hope we finally get a dang catchphrase. 

We are living in a hellish high school scenario, where we’re all a part of this student body, comprised of almost half fucking dumdums and white supremacists. The Principal and school staff (“Political Elites”) have lost control over their students, and now the biggest and dumbest of the bullies has taken control of

Facebook and the Zuck are a cancer on society. Delete your account and eat the rich.

Lukewarm take at best, and likely shared by most on here. I think we’re at a point where we have to ration our outrage, lest we run out of it.

All my life’s about is cracking up people and them cracking me up and trying not to think about dying. That doesn’t cost very much money.

Quite frankly, my girlfriend loves my novelty-sized balls and sterility. Thank you, Johnson & Johnson!

“Plow”, my man. 

With the new law allowing citizens to conceal and carry without any certification or registration, can’t the populace just shoot at the storm until it goes away? (asking for a former POTUS)

Other than perverts/assholes who want to secretly film people without their consent, I’m not sure who these are for.

All of what you said. Definitely the big fucking trucks are the worst part of driving in America. 

I tried the podcast “How Did This Get Played” for the Custer’s Revenge episode, but instead got the pleasure of hearing a podcast guest of Native American heritage absolutely eviscerate Nick Wiger and Heather Anne Campbell (truly one of the most pretentious and irritating people I’ve ever heard speak). It was one of

You could have just Googled whether he was a father and yet, here we are, with you looking like an ass.