
Counterpoint! My dad owns an extensive collection of Nazi and SS rifles, pistols, officer daggers and uniforms. Most of his firearms bear matching serial numbers, so you know the dude is really into it. I wouldn’t call him a Nazi. However, I call him a fucking fascist because he’s a MAGA chud who is anti-vax,

Thanks for the heads up on this! My partner and I have been looking for a solution for our RV and this looks way better than the Tetra.

Let’s just get this out of the way. You’re an asshole.

This is a good take, and one that I share. I’m not exactly the target demographic for her music, but I think she’s authentically cool and has shit to say. While I agree that this new album is sonically different than her debut and lacks the bangers that got her noticed, I’m totally down with her being a better (in

I’m curious how many current players will abandon their hundreds/thousands of hours invested in their WoW or Hearthstone accounts? My gut feeling on this is that they will part ways with some of the senior management (they’ll all get golden parachutes because this is America), they’ll lose some monthly subs, some

He should have kicked’em in the jewels.

There’s a reason why “Socialism” is hip with us liberals. Mainly because we grew up in the unhinged excesses of the 90's and 2000's. That is about the time where the older generations realized that they had an untapped group of Americans they could fleece and exploit for their personal gain. We have grown up being

I’m going to eat an entire bag of weed gummies and watch this. Then I’m going to have a panic attack and it’ll be a whole experience. Excited!

I just watched the 99' Woodstock documentary and I thought it laid out the perfect encapsulation of the Boomer’s power in our culture. They exploited the youth, failed to understand their children’s generation and shoved their nostalgia down our throats for profits and to relive some fabled glory days. As to you being

We’ve given these people an inch (too much and too often) and they have stolen the whole of whatever we gave them an inch of. These people are refusing to take a vaccine to own us woke-ass liberals. These people are not getting the vaccine because they are intellectually, emotionally and spiritually bankrupt. Frankly,

This will be great for my Back to the Future: Part III themed wedding! 

Like a chump
(Hey) Like a chump
(Hey) Like a chump
(Hey) Like a chump
(Hey) Like a chump
(Hey) Like a chump
(Hey) Like a chump

I lol’d. 

As an Audi fanboi, I love this wagon so much. As a rational car buyer, I chuckled at the price. This stinks of someone trying to take advantage of the used car market.

Solid take. Most of the cancerous rot in America is located in the Boomer generation. They were given the keys to the kingdom and then immediately pulled up the ladder so their children and grandchildren would suffer a worse life than them. These are the same people who funnel their unequally amassed wealth into

I’m not not going to see this. It’ll be shear artistry.

I spent a decade in the Coast Guard. There is no limit to the number of Baluchies out there costing us tax payer dollars by committing pure idiocy.

Fun Story! I had paraphernalia planted in/near my car by this asshole small town cop in Illinois when I was a youth. I got pulled over for “illegal screeching of tires” (lol) when I was pulling my 92' Accord sedan(manual with touchy clutch) out of a no visibility alley, so I had to punch it in 1st gear to avoid an

More like, Toy-No-Ta. Amirite?!

How dare you compare these MAGA chud traitors and Lost Cause “patriots” to the mentally ill. Your arguments are unsound and you come off sounding like an apologist for these fucking fascists.