We'll notice an absence over here at #whitenoise.
We'll notice an absence over here at #whitenoise.
Damn it, I just got a new 25" HDTV, 1080P, just to read this. But at least I'm hooking it up to my computer as soon as a cable comes from Amazon.
Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the help.
I'm not sure about anyone else, but my Ubuntu has really fast boot times. I'm looking at under a minute. Would this make my already fast booting times even faster?
I really wish I had a star... Does anyone have any tips for how to get one?
I think that it is a good idea. I wouldn't trust myself to my iPod, but if someone who knows exactly what they are doing could do it for me, I'd be happy to pay! Plus, it comes with insurance... I could sue them if it bricks.
How'd you put a link in there and it diidn't show up as [www.asus.com] link?
Not really. Android is Apple's rival; they're not going to stop making phones until Apple does, maybe even after. Unless, of course they go bankrupt.
Yeah, I don't like how unresponsive Natty Narwhal is in relation to Maverick Meerkat. I'm downgrading. Plus, Unity is driving me mad!!!
I enjoy the company 2Wire, because when you type in 'home' (w/o the quotes), there are many settings to tweak. But, I also really enjoy Linksys routers, because they are reliable and strong.
Is it a good purchase? I am considering buying a tablet, and the iPad is entirely off my list.
This could be a strategy by Apple to eliminate every competitor.
Post those stories in #whitenoise. I'm sure that people would love to hear them.
About the security, my friend and I had a debate today about if Linuxes can get viruses. Can anyone help me answer that?
Me too.
I was about to say that we're on Gizmodo, just to look at the address bar and realize that I had been linked.
By better ads they mean more relevant. Anyways, I won't be seeing the better ads. Thanks AdBlock!
Thanks soooo much!