
Why did I sell my unused wireless router last year?!?!?!!?!?!

Or you can use Readability... Works all the time!

I'm considering getting Rdio, but I'm on my 1 week trial still. I'll decide in 7 days.

@metronome49: I can't stop reading Giz and Lifehacker when I'm bored. The computer is pushing work out of my life.

@Pseudo_Hakim: Not any of those... And they still look like asses. Read the article!

Giz, Lifehacker, and Facebook

one time when i was five i had gotten a bubble blower in canada. it did not look unsimilar to the pic. they said to my mom: Ma'am, I am afraid that you have a gun in your child's toy bag. I'm truly sorry, but we will not allow this on the flight. Do you have a gun in there? My mom said no. The lady opened my bag and

It's a PSP!

purchased, not purhased.

Someone could make this for Android without a root, and then I'd buy it. I don't want to jailbreak my iPod touch because it hasn't been backed up to my CPU and is physically unable to be.

@Ceric Neesh: Not worth it... I am trying to convince my parents to let me get an Android phone, but the apps I want total about 20 $. No thank you for an app that might not work well (see other comments)

It's like a dagger, small and dangerous.

Off-topic, but another tip:


Maybe this is the PlayStation Phone...

@Platypus Man: You won't. Honeycomb is for dual-cores only.

New App! AVG for Android!