Ha! I knew it! Google's going to come out with Google Tunes, and Android will take iOS out of the market!
Ha! I knew it! Google's going to come out with Google Tunes, and Android will take iOS out of the market!
Sprint has an iPod Touch Internet adapter also now
@jbarr: In Snow Leopard there is FaceTime, but then you need Snow Leopard!
Correction: 1.99, not 2.99. At least on the US app store
@infmom: I am the same!
Holy Strawberries, Batman! We're in a jam again!
@Boj: It's Cool!
Go on ArmorGames.com and play the best game ever: Elephant Rave!
@Boj: Oh yeah, and a merry christmas to Giz!
I wish that was under my tree!
@Ejia: Touch screen, for one. Plus, a jailbroken one can easily run Android for a limitless selection of apps.
@Tabarnaco: How do you even promote comments?
@cisco_03: BENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@mercury_marine: Me too!
I got a bike and a few DVD's and games. Oh, and this really cool 3D Drawing Pad where you draw on a pad with black and you put on glasses, and it sticks off the page!
@Dodge2002: I have a feeling it's a good book. But, then again, maybe it is just an excuse to get you to read a book.
@Michael Dukakis: Good pun
@PossibleCabbage: I agree. Oh, and by the way, cool name!
@RGLarson: Same here!
Just face it... An iPad running Android would be the best.