RIP Peter Steele.
RIP Peter Steele.
Definitely a good morning when there’s some Metal courtesy of Jalopnik!
Did you try to pick those eyelids off after snapping the pic, for the good of humanity?
This is the most Russian thing I’ve seen all week.
Rather than the miles, I think it’s his mods that are causing his car to lose power. The aftermarket exhaust looks cramped in places and is probably restricting flow more than the stock ones. Wheels look heavy too. Big barrel deep dish BBSs looks dope and all, but that all adds up to the rotating mass which the engine…
For those who knows rally history, there's one thing the Celica and the Escort Cosworth have in common. Carlos Sainz.
I agree. It looks better in person.
I hate the front end but the rest of the new version is at least interesting.
I had to put my glasses on, because at first, I thought this article was written by Nick Hogan!
I’m not sure which is funnier: the dumbshit who can’t figure out how to switch a car off, the muppets with the fire extinguishers, the pre-pubescant narrator with his squeaky voice, or the just general absurdity of the entire scenario. I mean yeah, the guy with the fire extinguisher should have maybe stuck around, but…
This guy gets it.
Seriously, a demon burns and that stupid yellow plastic front cover is completely untouched? Is there no justice in this world?
I love it. Such a fun car. Yellow is a bit too much for me but the price isn’t bad. Happy motoring to the future owner!
ermagerd that yellow though. MY EYES THEY BURN
This thing is amazing.
This has been a dream car of mine for a while. This is pure sex.
....annnnnd it is sold thanks to Jalopnik.
But... I was saving for a C8...