Ope, can’t say crack pipe anymore bud. Have to go with no dice so not to offend anyone currently using a crack pipe.
The lock linked above does not come with the wi-fi bridge as stated in the article.
The lock linked above does not come with the wi-fi bridge as stated in the article.
Looks like all of these links point to the non-fingerprint version without the wi-fi bridge.
Looks like all of these links point to the non-fingerprint version without the wi-fi bridge.
It’s late February in Minnesota, -20 degrees outside. Flying to Vegas with some friends out of a small airport on a very small airplane. One of the friends I’m with hates flying.
It was a sharp car. The interior wasn't the greatest, over simplified in my opinion but I think that's the way things are headed. Really liked the fresh 3.6l with the 9 speed flappy paddle. The service manager said they were trying to sell me on it but it was wayyyy out of my price range.
Just did this yesterday after clearing the sidewalk and patio. Works great for the light stuff, probably won’t work for the heavy stuff that’s on it’s way.
Minnesota resident here, and I can agree 100%, people abusing the passing lane is far too common. Side question: Is it illegal or frowned upon to “usher” drivers who are using the passing lane over to the right when they’re going slower than I? Rather coax them to the proper lane than pass on the right.
Establish a credit score before trying to buy a house.
I wish there were photos of what I’m about to describe. Long ago, I bought a 1989 Ford Escort GT for $175. It was a great little car, with plenty of get up and go coming straight from it’s 1.9L HO 4 cylinder.
It’s never goodbye...
I find the rear speakers on my Viz sound bar to be enough to compliment what’s going on up front, without being overpowering. And it’s adjustable for fine tuning, both in level and balance.
I find the rear speakers on my Viz sound bar to be enough to compliment what’s going on up front, without being…
Manual car wash with the wand and brush is where it’s at. Get to spend quality time taking care of the vehicle that takes care of you. And it’s cheaper and more effective than the autowash.