
So, my point is simple: if you’re upset at a relatively dark-skinned actress playing Cleopatra, explain why in a manner that doesn’t include a reference to the modern conception of race (as it wouldn’t have existed 2100 years ago). Or, to be more clear, explain why in a manner that doesn’t revert to an ethnic or

I agree that the Fontaine fight kind of throws the player’s combat preference out of the window but I disagree that it ends the game on a sour note. The good ending in Bioshock is still one of the most beautifully shot endings in any video game I’ve ever played...simple conceptually but tells so many stories in such a

“One day, when all these useless politicians (on both sides) stop their pissing matches over who can screw whose base over more, I might be able to get an EV, that I can charge at a convenient place, for less than my yearly salary. Maybe even, dare I say, get a rebate?”

No, you’re thinking of trademarks. That’s not how copyright works, or every time we posted a screenshot of a game we’d be sued by the publisher.

It’s almost like Elon Musk is a dumbass with the intellectual depth of a 9 year old and only knows about stainless steel because it’s what the DeLorean from Back To the Future was made out of and it would be le epic bacon if his meme truck was made out of the same thing. 

Seriously, after all the shit they’ve cancelled cancelling netflix was quite satisfying. 

If they wanted me to keep my personal subscription they shouldn’t have cancelled all of the shows I like after ending seasons on a cliffhanger.

if this one is true, then the Deku Tree is a fantastic choice, honestly. I’ve been buying the Botanical Garden sets and they look great around the house.

It’s really terrible when people jump to disrespectul conclusions. Anyway, like I was saying, most western men are feminine and weak...

Hyundai and Kia.

Can we address the CCP-size elephant in the room and look at the draconian control the party in place put on everything internet and computer related? Video games VERY much included.

“Now it’s all over because of some asshole.” I appreciate your post until you get to the end there. That all just reeks of scapegoating unless they were talking someone at the very top like Bobby Kotick.

It’s just ignorant to pretend a company who wants my personal data to better sell me dish soap and a government that want to use it to make sure I am not friends with dissidents or expressing unpopular opinions are in the same galaxy, let alone ballpark.  Data privacy in the west is a problem, yes, but no one’s being

Look, I’m forward-thinking - I accept that people like her didn’t choose to celebrate christmas, and that they were just born that way. What I don’t understand is why they just have to be so flamboyant about it. Like, can’t you do your christmas stuff behind closed doors, and not throw it in all of our faces? I’m

Sucks for the Chinese players who will lose access to the games, but otherwise...awesome. Fuck working with the CCP and screw a lot of the behavior and decisions by ATVI. China makes up a tiny part of their overall revenue (3% for the company, and apparently around 10% for Blizzard), but after shit like the

Someone must’ve mentioned Hong Kong again.

Blizz certainly has its share of jerks, but let’s not pretend like the way China operates and forces ‘partnerships’ leaves them blameless.

And can you believe what she did to Weird Al?

Can't help but feel the irony on reading this article on a site that used to be cool but now bombards 70% of my screen's real estate with ads while I try to read a fuckin' article.

I hate that you don’t make these new articles with each update. It renders commenting useless. Looking still comments from may when it’s an August update is blah. It only gets worse as time goes on. How about “best 8 games as of may 2017.... best 12 games as of August 2017" and so on and so forth. Will anyone ever