“It looked like Edgar, but not really. Like something was wearing Edgar — an Edgar suit....”
Came to the comments section for this. Maybe someone over there should get Plunkett checked out, seeing as he’s written about it before.
I don’t think they can be considered together really. They have the same basic premise but the new series is a lot darker in tone and is more political. Honestly I think the grimmer tone is more appropriate to the premise given it’s about a group of people that narrowly survive the genocide of their people and are…
“We Finally Got A Good Battlestar Galactica Video Game”
Off topic: I loved Battlestar Galactica’s ending.
It is in the article.
-Who says the air force is paying MSRP
Flying that badboy looks like a nightmare to me. Probably takes 4-5 hours just to prep for flight (if not more). There’s the pressurized suit and all. I’d much rather hop in the Tesla and mash the pedal down!
You know, there are a lot of ...let’s say questionable/controversial...Marchman takes out there, but deriding a Dollar Dog Night is a bridge too far.
Whit Merrifield, a 28-year-old second baseman who has yet to play a full MLB season. Despite that lack of experience, he’s been one of the team’s top all-around hitters.
Calls for someone with a different opinion than you to be silenced...
Like some sort of ban?
It’s sad that it’s news when Justin Upton makes contact with something.
Hey Justin, you should learn from your brother BJ on how to avoid grounding out. Never make contact in the first place.
Tom Hamilton, the best home run call in the business.
“Gregorius lasted more than seven full seconds...”
When is the American League finally going to remove designated hitlers once and for all?
I will admit that I get annoyed by the ice cream truck jingle too, but I get over it and go on with my life. I know that a lot of people are fine with it, and some are happy to hear it. It is almost as if living in a society occasionally requires us to tolerate things that are not for or about us. Weird, I know.
I’m sure this hertz. Maybe another enterprise can help pick them up?