Wow, all those bandwagon fans that were Red Sox fans ten years ago, and now root for the Cubs must devastated. After all their fandom has followed this guy around for a decade.
Wow, all those bandwagon fans that were Red Sox fans ten years ago, and now root for the Cubs must devastated. After all their fandom has followed this guy around for a decade.
He really let all those tourists down today.
One word: Mormons.
I think the real question is, who does #2 work for?
I wouldn’t call it a “disaster.”
I can understand their rationale for doing this: If they waited until the end of the game, there wouldn’t be anyone around to watch it.
Apparently, thinking about baseball didn’t keep the fireworks guy from shooting early.
Second, to say that Asian men owe it to Asian women to marry them (which is the basic gist of this article) is just plain ridiculous.
This is very true: Asian women marry out of their race at greater numbers than any other group of women. They actually surpass white women at this, and they mostly marry white dudes.
Yeah...I sort of hate that this movie is being used as the laundry line that airs these issues. It’s an important point that deserves to be heard, but this is literally the third article I’ve read online about The Big Sick mainly discussing issues with white women/Asian men onscreen. It starts feeling like a…
Thank you. I came here to say this. People keep asking for stories about real people that are inclusive. THIS IS A FUCKING REAL STORY THAT IS INCLUSIVE. SO REAL IN FACT THAT IT FUCKING HAPPENED. Unless white women now have to either date within their race or no one is allowed to tell true stories about interracial…
THANK YOU. As a biracial woman, I am tired of people saying my parents love was invalid. That it was just serving colonialism or serving to oppress black women. If women of color really do not hold men to be the locus of their lives, then do Kumaili and Aziz really need to represent brown women on screen for them? Let…
Good article, but it seems odd that The Mindy Project was kind of glazed over. It is probably the most popular show written by and staring an Asian woman, and which (usually) has the exact opposite dynamic (most of the men she dates in the show are white). Mindy Kaling’s character on The Office (Kaling was also a…
It is indeed based on their true story:
How did Obama hamstring the military? Genuine question. He refocused on OBL, made liberal use of both special ops and drone warfare, and didn’t push for defense cuts.
He’s from Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Baserunning.
If a tree is removed and no one was around to witness it, was it ever really there?
Baby Driver (2017)