“I’m not mad” they said, mouth covered in a thin veneer of froth, a la Elvis Costello’s “I’m not Angry.”
“I’m not mad” they said, mouth covered in a thin veneer of froth, a la Elvis Costello’s “I’m not Angry.”
Amazon was selling DRM-free mp3s before Apple, back when Amazon seemed like a much smaller company in regards to digital distribution. They got a lot of press for it at the time, and this partially forced Apple’s hand in updating how their store operated, just how Tidal’s HD streaming forced others to offer…
“I’m shocked!”
“I made a promise that there will never be a reason for us to get a divorce,” she said. “We will work through whatever. And I just haven’t been able to break that promise.”
So, obviously you’re entitled to your opinion, but I think you’re selling both Nolan and Tarantino short.
The whole point is to make it worse as a sign of protest, not to claim that the cones are the reason it cannot/will never work. It’s sending a message. Whether or not you agree with that message is a different conversation. Certainly, there should be more work on some of the things you mentioned, which I believe is…
This has been a rumored set for more than a year now, and the price just seems to be too much. Like, I understand the appeal, and I also understand WHY it is priced that much. This has a lot of specialized parts, too, and larger, more complex ones, too. Making structural girders that meet Lego’s standards is a lot…
For so long, the series had lacked, in my view, any recognizable shred of real exploration...
This bothered me, too. It’s a minor issue, but still.
Below is a generic airliner. I can’t tell if it is an Airbus or a Boeing
It’s unpopular and also missing important context about the pricing and context. Remember that Reddit only had value because these mods do millions of hours of work for absolutely no pay whatsoever. Reddit only has value because of their input. Also, Reddit isn’t merely charging enough to cover their costs, they’re…
Except you’re missing the larger, more important issue:
You’re right as long as you’re careful in who you hire, which should be obvious but isn’t always. Lots of industry vets who were good at one job and terrible at another (see former scandals at HP, Yahoo, etc.).
You’re totally right. We can’t possibly offer software updates or patches unless the game is always online.
There is no reason that the system you describe cannot exist with an option to play single player offline. I played Diablo 2, and that existed back then. I played games both online on Battle.net and I played games locally on single player. If there is some anti-cheat crap running on the multiplayer to prevent…
Ah yes, Diablo 3, a game which notoriously had a perfect launch without any problems related to its need to always be online...
Right, but I’m NOT buying Diablo 4 now for many reasons, and on that list is “always online.” I won’t buy a game that has that requirement. Period.
I used to love Diablo. However, the bloom is off the rose when it comes to Blizzard. From the shit they pulled with Hong Kong and democratic protests in China to all the horrid stories of sexism and overall gross behavior by their developers, I won’t be buying or playing this.
Just a couple things to add:
1) The original leak of this, which as mentioned came from a focus group survey, indicated that this set (and others in the leak) were likely intended for release in 2024, not this year. Admittedly, plans change, but having all this hype NOW is sub-optimal to hype a year from now when the…
I gave up Netflix a year ago. When the new season of the Crown came on, I watched it with my Mom. I have not missed the service at all, and my Mom appreciated some extra visits and a chance to gossip about “those Royals.”