
I’d be ok with America’s bad policies getting called out, actually. Turning actual suffering into a video game is kind of gross. Totally fictional games like Goldeneye or Doom are pretty apolitical, but Call of Duty glamorizes war and violence in a way that I find very off-putting.

Stuff like this is why I stopped playing MGS games.  I know THIS didn’t make it into the actual build, but even back in the MSG days, there was stuff like having to find a hidden frequency on the back of the game box that made them intermittently infuriating.  Like, there’s also good stuff in the games, but life’s too

I will totally admit to feeling that genre boundaries should be loose. I think Rear Window is absolutely worth being classified as horror, but also as a thriller. I think those two genres bleed into one another a lot, honestly. Using suspense to create a sense of terror and dread is pervasive and both. At this point,

Frenzy is a fun Hitchcock movie that defies genre almost entirely. There’s aspects of thriller, mystery, horror, and (dark) comedy.

Please don’t be that guy...

Majora’s Mask was, like BOTW 2, the subject of a lot of rumors. Fair or not, I remember a lot of hoping we’d see it in late 99/early 2000 because of leaks in several magazines about the “new Zelda Gaiden,” which eventually became Majora’s Mask. By the time it came out, regardless of what Nintendo said, WE felt like it

Starting with Ocarina of Time, actually. Then Zelda Gaiden...

As someone who had jaw surgery in high school that necessitated having my mouth wired shut for about half of the school year...yeah, wiring the mouth wired shut is a terrible experience.  Don’t do it.  I still feel ill when I catch the smell of slim fast or similar liquid meals.

Just a fun thought. This has a 44GB patch, while the ENTIRE Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time gamefile is contained in 26 mb. Yeah, that’s megabytes.

Elvis Costello is a treasure, and I would watch these two talking all day long if given the chance.

Man, I guess that’s why there are no industrial industries that us hydrogen for anything, right?

Hydrogen EVs make more sense for long-haul driving than batteries alone. Batteries cannot overcome the physics of energy density and mass. We can have two kinds of cars for different use cases (we already do, with gas ice, diesel ice, hybrids, and EVs).

Or, hear me out, we invest in hydrogen EVs for people who need to drive long distances and use battery EVs for folks who don’t.

It’s not my job to side with them just because they are running around with signs.

Sure would be nice if people could purchase the game without having to purchase it on the Switch.

Nintendo is allowed to have a different business model than the one you prefer.  That does not justify pirating a game on day 1 of release.

First of all, if you’re going to advocate theft as a method of combating the evils of capitalism, I feel like there are far more worthy targets than Nintendo. Second, the hurt sales won’t affect Nintendo nearly so much as it will the passionate fans of the Metroid fanbase who have waited far-too-long for more

Comparing this to Amiibo cards is totally apples-to-oranges. There is no scarcity here driving a limited commodity out of the price range of the average consumer. Nor is this an item designed as much for promotional value as anything else. Nor is it comparable to play-to-win enhancements that are a blight on the

This is a shitty take, Kotaku.  I like this site, usually, and have no moral qualms about emulation of legacy software.  But on a new game?  Are you serious?  There’s a difference between harmful piracy and the kind that preserves game history, and this is clearly on the wrong side of the line.  Do better.