More BS from the folks at Blizzard. This is not that hard to do. If much smaller games without a tenth of the resources can figure this out, Blizzard could to.
More BS from the folks at Blizzard. This is not that hard to do. If much smaller games without a tenth of the resources can figure this out, Blizzard could to.
Don’t buy this game. Let Blizzard/Activision die.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
While it’s currently less efficient to produce hydrogen than charge a battery, you need a battery to charge, and all batteries we have right now have massive environmental impacts themselves that are usually ignored in the EV discussion. Hydrogen cars run off the most plentiful fuel in the universe, one which there…
Hydrogen cars > EVs.
No range anxiety, and if we used nuclear stations to produce the hydrogen, we could do so without putting further strain on our electrical grid. Also, there are major environmental concerns/issues regarding Lithium, which is needed in vast quantities to make EVs feasible. Until we get better at…
I have been a first-week customer of Diablo 2, of Lord of Destruction, of Diablo 3, of Reaper of Souls, and of both Starcrafts. I will never buy another game from either one (my anger began at their actions vis-a-vis Hong Kong, but is even greater now). Don’t be garbage, don’t buy their games.
wtf are you going to do about it?
Two thoughts:
We had pretty fierce dorm battles of Melee back when I was in school (though this is now more than a decade ago). I was one of two players who were commonly the best, partially because it was my console so I got more practice that others. I played almost every character well, except Ganondorf. When a new guy joined in…
Passion of the Christ is torture porn, no different than Hostel or Saw
Where is the implication I find them the ‘ugly” in that statement?
They used to! When I was a kid, everything started at 8/7 Central!
It’s not that the law is on their side as much as the law compels them to take action or risk losing trademarks worth millions of dollars and open up room to copycat products. If they hadn’t contacted Nintendo first, they would have had a better chance of getting away with it. But once Nintendo is aware of trademark…
I understand why people are upset with Nintendo, and especially the modding/Melee stuff, they’ve got a point. But regardless of the cause, selling items for money jeopardizes the company’s trademarks. I’m not trying to be insensitive, and I know the people behind it were coming from a good place, but putting…
The Shining is not “unexceptional.” Few books have ever gotten under my skin like that did. I think if you read the book first, that colors your perspective, and if you saw the movie first, it colors it a different way. I understand and agree with many of King’s critiques while still loving Kubrick’s movie. It…
The Tourette’s thing was and was not a con. NXIVM borrowed a lot of real therapy techniques and used them alongside their brainwashing nonsense. So, for example, they used some aspects of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), which has been shown to be very effective at helping those with Tourette’s. Also, that is a…
I think there is value in both documentaries. I understand and agree with much of your criticism, but think that The Vow is more about how people sucked into this cult justified it to themselves, as well as how their disillusionment helped bring the cult down. Seduced, meanwhile, is what I EXPECTED the Vow to be, a…
The closest any movie has come to capturing the spirit of the comic was Starship Troopers, and it took 20 years for people to finally figure out that movie was brilliant.