The action movie version of “Ginger Rogers danced just as well as Fred Astaire, but she did it backwards and in heels.”
The action movie version of “Ginger Rogers danced just as well as Fred Astaire, but she did it backwards and in heels.”
And then I realized that it was just that I was on the verge of fainting.
This deserves more stars.
To quote one of the great Deadspin statesments of all time: “There’s always next game!”
I’m curious to know how you felt the film Watchmen missed the point of the comic. Is it because they changed the Squid to Dr. Manhattan? Because I thought that they did a good job of having that fulfill essentially the same idea: an existential threat bigger than any nation or faction to force people towards working…
If sitting upright is so burdensome, how does one drive? Or sit in an office chair? Again, reclining the seat makes the life of the person behind miserable, under the best of circumstances. The added comfort from reclining is significantly disproportionate to the misery caused by reclining. To better their situation,…
How is it being inconsiderate? I am not invading their personal space, I’m asking them not to invade mine.
“what is the one true religion,” or “what sports team is unquestionably the best”
For the very svelte, that may be true. But for those of us who, god forbid, have any sort of a belly, you’ve made the entire flight interminable. Being considerate of those around you, and how your actions affect them, is actually a good thing. You might consider that
And I can immediately think of at least two current MLB franchises that should probably be contracted.
I will not allow either my good name or the good name of the company I founded and love to be unfairly tainted
“I would never use this word,” he protested, moments after having said that word.
In fairness, it was not one cop that fired 137 bullets into the car. In fact, the fact that so many officers fired made it impossible to definitively tell if the guy who jumped on the car, noted piece of shit Michael Brelo, was the one to actually shoot the couple in the car. So, yeah, just as awful but in a slightly…
Look, I’ve been horrified since Election Night 2016 about this slow-rolling horror show, but are you fucking kidding me? Seriously? Because I often like your writing, but this piece is just bonkers.
The entire tour was recorded and can be found streaming through an online service for podcasts. It’s on Al’s twitter a few weeks back. They say it’s a pay service, but you get a week long “trial” and if one knows the right Firefox ad-ons to use, it’s a simple matter to download the audio so you can have the entire…
I would remind the Despicable Mr. Ghomert that it is THE Ohio State University. Fucking degenerate.
How can you compare this with Philadelphia....that was nearly 30 years ago.
Not ever? Because, off the top of my head, I seem to remember:
First, let me say that no one here said Hollywood executives were smart. I often think they make pretty boneheaded choices. But, with few exceptions, most people don’t start in the A-list, they begin with small roles, bit parts, or as the lead of a small-budget passion project. Then, they get more roles because of…
Johansson is one of the few female leads who can carry a big budget on her own right now. One underperforming movie (it did better overseas) doesn’t change that. We’re finally to the point where executives didn’t throw up their arms and say, “This is why we don’t put women in the front of movies!”