You will be very much missed! Sad to see you go, but good luck with whatever you’re doing next.
You will be very much missed! Sad to see you go, but good luck with whatever you’re doing next.
Breaking News tomorrow: Lakers sign Mo Williams to a 1+1
This deserves ALL of the stars.
Let me try:
In the same way that Peter Parker should feel zero guilt over Uncle Ben being killed by a man HE personally let escape, right? Peter only stepped out of the way to let a known, violent criminal escape justice. With great power comes meh, amirite?
They couldn’t shut down the government because no bills allowing them to (budget/debt ceiling) were up for vote during this time period. And the fact that Republicans were willing to break the government over policies they disagreed with was a BAD thing, so while I don’t LIKE Trump or his ilk at all, I DO want a…
Jason, as a life-long Clevelander (and one of those white former students of yours at Hiram, Class of 07!), I think you VASTLY overestimate the anti-Lebron sentiment, especially by the white part of the city. Saying “Cleveland Hates Lebron” is absurd, and honestly I think you’re just trying to get people riled up…
+1 for using the word milquetoast. One of my favorites, and one I also used to describe conservative comedy to this guy. Great minds, eh?
But why, and I’m saying this seriously, why is is an inherently pathetic thing for one entire half...of the political spectrum to even have the idea of a show, according to their views?
I’ve never even seen Seinfeld—not just the arc in which Hernandez dates Elaine, but any episode at all.
The Democrats did not filibuster every bill George W Bush or the GOP tried to pass. They did not block a majority of his nominees. Bush was able to appoint three times the number of appellate court judges in his final year than Obama was, yet both nominated nearly the same number, but Democrats did not, and have not,…
I...think they did this on purpose? Like, the extra arm spooning Sarah Silverman is so out of place that it cannot be an accident. I think this is a joke...because they’re comedians...making fun of poorly photoshopped covers
Obama had 2 years of Democratic control while the entire economy was collapsing around us. It derailed a majority of what he wanted to do. And even then, he had to get literally every Democrat in the Senate to override the GOP filibusters, and they filibustered virtually everything he tried to pass. And there were…
On FDR, I don’t deny that he did some truly objectionable things. However, again, I think his sins are far outweighed by the good he did. That doesn’t erase his sins, nor apologize for them. But if one wants to point to a historical figure, democrat or republican, as someone willing to do immoral or underhanded…
Ok, I’ll bite.
A few things:
Mostly, I am ashamed that the losing side has decided to dig in their heels and refuse to do any more than obstruct, insult, cajole and generally threaten people who don’t share their world view.
This is bullshit false equivalency. Obama strongly pushed back against the Israeli nonsense, including in the UN. And his rebukes put Netanyahu on the defensive. Trump has not only completely ignored the human rights atrocity, he’s actively made it worse by moving the Embassy. To claim that they are the same is not…
“Man is born astride the grave.”