
Hopefully we'll get to hear her tell jokes about her vagina.

So, we're supposed to be mad at Gwyneth Paltrow because she understands clearly that people were tired of the establishment and because she's not screeching about concentration camps and saying that Donald Trump is a literal Nazi? Thanks for the update, AV Club.

This is some close-minded garbage you're spewing. Are we not supposed to be the tolerant and open-minded ones? Honestly, the things you have written are worse than almost anything Trump has ever said, and all you are doing is fulfilling the stereotype of liberas who claim tolerance but don't actually practice it. You

Honestly looks like the work of a child. I can only hope that someone in that kid's life reaches out to them and teaches them to be more empathetic, if indeed they did this with malice or hate in mind.

Perhaps you shouldn't assume the Trump supporters you've personally met are indicative of Trump supporters as a whole.

"Exit polls can't be trusted" comments incoming

At least 50% ? According to who? Or did you just pull that number out of thin air?


Absolutely. Love your name, btw.

Michael Jackson is a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer. Fuck Rock and Roll, in all its forms.

Well, we don't really know that the issue with polling was actually the "shy" Trump voters. But even if it is, that doesn't explain Hillary underperforming Obama's numbers with minority voters in the exit polling.

Yeah, it's taken from the exit polls. Breakdown by race is near the top of this page:

Fragile white men were convinced that PC culture was a threat before South Park lampooned it last season. And, for all of the talk of Trump's election being a Whitelash, he only outperformed Romney's 2012 numbers among whites by one percent. Hillary underperformed among blacks, latinos, and other nonwhite voters by

First, Donald Trump gets elected.

According to Wrestling Observer Newsletter, it happened while they were traveling to the taping in Glasgow.

Hey, AV Club. why are you always embedding pirated content, especially from Last Week Tonight? Seems weird.

Well, he called Goldberg the "most dominant superstar in WCW history" and given Goldberg's win streak it's hard to argue against that.

Real book? Try a stone tablet, pal.

Who's crying? I just wanted to make sure nobody saw this silly joke as a good opportunity to start making light of the more important things like #sportsball

So, a tasteless joke about Keanu Reeves makes a great headline. But remember just not to make jokes about #sportsball, because that's just elitism in disguise and it's bad and sports are actually very important to all of us.