You might want to read up on the scientific literature then. Unfortunately, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.
You might want to read up on the scientific literature then. Unfortunately, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.
A free market solution to reducing CO2 emissions would be much better - but since so many fiscal conservatives would rather ignore the problem entirely, it sadly looks like we are stuck with the shittier solutions.
They are more efficient.
It is not so much hubris as caution. A good scientists always errs on the side of "Probably Not" until there is sufficient evidence for "Probably Yes".
Sure, new discoveries are made all the time, and our understanding of physics in 100+ years will make what we know now look like child's play... but that does not mean…
It is interesting as a long-term project, but many scientists (myself included) would be pretty upset if we started tearing apart mercury when there is still so much more we can learn about the planet and the formation of the solar system as a whole by studying it.
I don't really think those views are nearly as questionable or even relevant. Whatever your feeling may be on the abortion - you can't deny it is a complex issue. There is no absolute, evidence supported, factually correct view on legalizing abortion.
But arguing that the Earth is the center of the solar system, and…
But they got rid of all the cool aspects that give it that great 80s-future look.
Your wish has come true!…
The amount of stupid in these posts in unbelievable.