Awesome Brain Powers

In my arrogant pre-judgment, I was prepared to write her off as a too-pretty-to-be-good actress, but she is shockingly realistic and sympathetic as someone with an autistic spectrum disorder.

Really? I always thought their breakup felt a little out-of-the-blue. I mean, Malina and LLoyd sell the emotional truth in their scenes, and I can believe it's the venting of a lot of pent-up frustrations, but narratively, I would've liked to have seen at least one or two moments of low-level (or swallowed) hostility

It'd really have to be a mini-series, though. There's just too much in PSS to cover in a single film.

Seriously, I fucking hate going to a show and having to pierce a forest of phone-topped arms just to see the damn stage.

@avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus : Actually, I was pointing out that your "argument" was reductive and intellectually disingenuous, and that your method was directly, obviously, and hilariously hypocritical.

It's just the kind of weak, baseless claim that middle-class white liberals toss out to show how freakin' noble they are. Please. You know nothing about her life.


"And here we see a close cousin of cognitive dissonance: hilariously contradictory presumptuous self-righteousness. Uniquely

Where is my white privilege? There's no such thing you idiots.

In my experience: Yes. Or just incredibly boring.

But…but…hating on (perceived or invented) white privilege is the new cool thing for people warmly ensconced in the comforts of white privilege.

@avclub-b9d88fa1cbe8a5974b469eccd7b19aba:disqus  I mean, I can sympathize with finding the fans annoying (including me, even though I'm delightful), but it's inherently and obviously dumb to not like something just because you dislike the people who do like it.

Late reviews? Fans posting in silly, bombastic capslock? Either way, seems a fairly bad reason to hate a show.

Until this episode, I had entirely forgotten that Rickon existed.

In these dark times, hearing Hodor's name sung in StrongBad's voice has made me so happy.

@avclub-f16faf5d680d7b88e2e157c1c137c497:disqus  Fun Fact: Every word in Dothraki is also a word for "slaughter".

Except that Jojen was cute little Sam whose mother's dead at the beginning of the movie and it just brings all of this episode's trauma right up to the front again and WHEN, TEARS? WHEN WILL YOU CEASE?!

Seriously, Danaerys' fire-breathing conquest seems like a salvation at this point.


I keep refreshing, like I could will it to come sooner. My F5 key is crying.

I'm so distracted by Game of Thrones that I can't focus enough to adequately scorn your lazy, reductive dismissal.

SSSIIIIIIMMMMS just told me it'll be another half hour.