Awesome Brain Powers

I understand the narrative logistics of how one scene followed the other (on paper, anyway); I'm saying that the group's acceptance of Robyn's argument and subsequent action (and their total non-reaction to Malcom's confession) don't in any way feel earned or sufficiently backed by character development or basic

After nine consecutive stellar episodes, the incredibly lazy, unbelievably stupid scene with the support group in the diner—from Malcolm's confession about disposing of Ruben's body (which seemed so casual and consequence-free that I assumed it was a dream sequence or hallucination) to Robyn's sudden ability to

Oh, quite so; it's just that Jethro Tull is heavy metal in the same way that black strap molasses is beer.

It's close, but Macklemore is closer to rap than Jethro Tull ever was to heavy metal.

Simmons' job is likely intended to be slowly gaining the audience's affection until she's suddenly and horribly killed.

I thought Patti was going home (and maybe should have), but the TC judges tend to view intentional, bad decisions as far worse than someone accidentally fucking up and not being able to recover. My guess is that they figured that one more day of competition would give Patti a chance to confirm that either her failure

But what's lacking in genuine interest or accurate information? Is made up with enthusiastic punctuation!

You know, I'm trying to get in shape, and from time to time I think I'm doing a pretty decent job at it.

He actually said both in the episode; they just (wisely) chose the less…questionable…one for the Previously On.

You know, I kind of wish that someone would stop caring about hitting all the historical high notes and not do all those time-jumps. Could you imagine someone like David Milch or David Simon doing a series that was more limited in time, spending one season on (at the very most) a single year? At the very least, it

Now You See Me was a real disappointment.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I've seen seven episodes (THROUGH COMPLETELY LEGAL MEANS I PROMISE DON'T SUE ME) and not a single pointy princess hat.

I mean, Lady Rivers was a self-professed sorceress.

And that nobody is starving or covered in shit or dying from being alive in the 15th Century, when basically everything was fatal.

True story: They shot two takes of every sex scene in this series. One was for the BBC, and the other (more gratuitous) version was for Starz. Because cable = boobies.

Absolutely you can (and should) jump in with season three.

The Axe Cop website now puts him at 9, so he was probably only 5 for the regular amount of time. (Or maybe he was 5 for three years, then skipped right to 9.)

To add a layer of irony: