Awesome Brain Powers

"I could save how much by switching to GEICO?!"

Yeah, that's a much better reaction than mine. I'd feel self-conscious about that, but then I'm also not a professional writer and student at Harvard Law.

Guilty on the "Just saying" charge, but it was like 3 in the morning, so I'd like to appeal for leniency.

Oh, no, not at all. You misunderstand me (or I misrepresented myself, tired insomniac I am).

@avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus : Mostly putting this here because my other comment is lost in the megathread ether: The Chewbacca thing was Dan Harmon's; it was going to be in Chaos Theory.

@avclub-cd3d804747cf4c11f495534083caf222:disqus :

So this is going to be buried in the megathread and nobody will read it, but:

Ugh, since I can't edit my earlier comment for whatever reason, I have to post another:

Sure, if you want to ignore his heroism, since you're apparently only capable of having one blanket emotional reaction to the entirety any news story ever.

Hey, good news:

Yeah, I'm sorry, but I can't help but find that line of argument sort of bullshit.

Well, they made the realistic choice of admitting that a moderate Republican had no hope of being elected without some heavily felonious assistance (and an eccentric Texas billionaire looking to be the man behind the curtain). So at least there's that.

Yeah, I think you're right: It's a moving target, but whenever she goes for grand emotional moments, she tends to fall flat.

Am I the only one who thinks Kerry Washington—while certainly a talented and beautiful actress—is far from "tremulously perfect" on this show?

Liz Lemon agreed with you, for a while.

Barely-veiled contempt is the bedrock upon which both old-people marriages and Statler & Waldorf's friendship are built.

For real, if Cool Girl doesn't go and train with Cool Girl's Murder Friend at some point, I'm going to be pretty bummed.

He literally could not be more different than he is on this show.

Yeah, because this is a world where good things happen to good people.