Awesome Brain Powers

Too soon, Jim.

I'm not much of a 'shipper, but I could get behind Tywin/Olenna.

It's way, way funnier than the trailers suggest.

Criminology Magic.

I agree: The case-of-the-week stuff was really not up to the standard of quality they've established with this show.

So…Mary-Kate Olsen.

Nolan's job is to be an audience cipher, not an engaging character.

I can't help but think of him as Alien Jayne Cobb.

I did, too.

As much as I love Conan, Craig Ferguson taking over the Late Show would be amazing, if he could somehow maintain the fascinating, devil-may-care insanity of Late Late.

That's pretty much exactly what Jimmy Kimmel said when he did a satellite appearance on Leno. I can't find the clip right now, but it's totally worth watching.

"I know so many people who watch that show just to hear references to things that happened in the news. Who just want to laugh at something that seems like it must be humor."
That's one of the most stark, desperate depictions of humanity I've ever heard—made all the worse by the fact that I know you're right.

I thought CBS was benefiting mostly from dead hookers and three-camera sitcoms. Or is that what the old people like nowadays?

They said it couldn't be done, but Lucifer's Peaches found a way to make SNL less funny. May God forgive him and protect us.

Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad.

Wait, I am tired and confused: Do the US broadcasts have additional footage (which would be weird and unexpected), or are they edited down to 47ish minutes? (I've only watched the UK broadcasts.)

@avclub-60b08acc1f3a4db4ff5f01c9fd828776:disqus : I was wondering why my Daily Show recording started with Al Gore mid-sentence.

@avclub-ce11a6d53c3c8c10c196e2114a8d5149:disqus : And also that.

Penguin. I think they meant penguin.